
  • warzone (feb 25-mar 1) signup begins in...


ill o.g.
album out in oct....MF DOOM AND DANGERMOUSE

its fucking sick, nuff said


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
cant listen to it now (at work) but I'll definitely check it out


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Yooooo im wating to leave work. Sitting here staring at the burnt copy, lol. I think that this will be better than Madvillain. Cant fuckin wait!!!!!!!!! And all you fuckers downloading this shit, make sure you BUY an official copy when it comes out. Support indie artists, especially vets like Doom.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
cleverwon said:
Yooooo im wating to leave work. Sitting here staring at the burnt copy, lol. I think that this will be better than Madvillain. Cant fuckin wait!!!!!!!!! And all you fuckers downloading this shit, make sure you BUY an official copy when it comes out. Support indie artists, especially vets like Doom.

word up,,,thats what imma do,,I did that wit JMT,,Imma do that wit Zev,,lol


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
you know what? my policy is "If I DO want to listen to the album more than 3 times, I'll buy it..."
If most of the songs are garbage, thats a "burntcopyable" album to me...

hopes that this is good, though... I dont really know the underground groups much (the ones I know are from MTL)


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
^^^MF is the shit, I've been entertained by all his stuff thusfar. By far the best writer in my book and a very subtle flow...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
classic said:
I gave the entire album a listen(thanks to haze), and not my style of hip hop at all, again i respect the cat but i just dont see what all the hype was about production wise or lyrcally, I mean there were a couple tracks i could deal wit but nothing spectacular, i was expecting much more.....

My 2 cents


word class? well, dont worry my album is almost done.

Umm,, i didnt get a chance but imma peep it out soon.


ill o.g.
just copping that zero 7 remix....

fucking laid back, as zero 7 are, that "wow," drop of the vocals is sick, doom is so fucking sick...., the drums are phatt as well,...



Audio Artistic Slave
ill o.g.
Damn! can somebody hook me up with a tracklisting or something so I can listen to it? Better yet somebody give me a link to somewhere I can download it!!!

DJ Reflex

Turntablist, Producer
ill o.g.
OMG on a par with madvillainy! im shaking with excitement! hahahaha ayayayayayayayayayayayayayay! ok so how have u guys got copies when the albums not out?


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Sick. Fucking Sick. Def on par with Madvillain, if not better. Nobody's fucking with Doom's originality. Nigga is still bringing pure unfiltered hip hop to the table. That track with the lyrics making no sense is wonderful!!!! And the adult swim theme is fuckin genius. Bravo.


Stupa Hero
ill o.g.
He said, "Try scan no thing three-card dead /
fly man go for bling he got bled /
I jam over sting, see spots red /
I am sofa king we taught ed"