composition or sampling?

  • beat this! (feb 19-20) signup begins in...


ill o.g.

Av been producing for a while now mostly composing my own but just realised that sampling is also dilema is that am short of material n ideas on sampling any good leads on this?Al highly appreciate as am looking at doing both at same level.

Am using fl 7 most of the time and Reason 3 occasionally as i dont have midi controller.




Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
To anyone that has resource or material issues I suggest a free music sharing site. For ideas, I go to the 70's, 80's RnB and Jazz music channels that we have on cable TV here, they are very good because often they'll play some rare stuff thats a sure jewel.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 141
hahaha del i do the same thing sometimes hahaha!!!
but lazy eye is right
as well just listen to anything u be surprised on what u find in jazz music,rnb,soul,funk,spanish mousic,movies,and ect.
check out the track from American gangsta i did!!


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
id get a cheapy record player, bought my 1st one (a poineer) at pawn for like 10-20 bucks, and listen to 6 hours of music a day. you will get insane ideas on the plethora. if you can get records for real cheap then it's worth it but if not than samples from various things are dropped in places on here you could collect

goodluck an bigup Nairobi

Lazy Eyes

The Beat Konduktah
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
No, no no.. please no more sampling vs composition haha..

First off, have u got an audio editor in which you can cut pieces of an mp3? i know you can in Fruity but something like Soundforge will definitely step your game up..

You can cut different pieces and then chop that up in like 8th or 16 notes using something like recycle.
Then throw all these separate slices in the FPC or Battery ( which is a VST instrument ) and play the chops in which order you like to..

Also, u can put each one on a differtent audio channel and stretch to the length you'd like it to have.. so it remains in pitch.. If got any more questions.. feel free to ask...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Do what I've done made friends with some cool guitar players who will let u sample their shit for free lol


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16


ill o.g.
You can sample anything man, when I started sampling I was handed the top 100 billboard hit from 1979-1989, it was a hard way to start sampling because alot of these 80's song have alot of drums and instruments in them which make it hard to sample if you dont know about frequences in which to can turn down extra sounds on a sample. But the good thing about it was that I learned how to work around those extra sounds and use it to my advantage. I recommend 60's music, because that music had alot less vocals and more solo melodies to mess with. Also try things like mozart and old classical music, their are no limits.

Oh and dont be discouraged if you find a sample that has been used many times alrighty, Use it anyway. I've done many samples that have been used alot of times but I flip them my way with my style and I get alot of people saying ''damn u flipped it better then so and so did!'' Good luck man! And have Fun!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
You can sample anything man, when I started sampling I was handed the top 100 billboard hit from 1979-1989, it was a hard way to start sampling because alot of these 80's song have alot of drums and instruments in them which make it hard to sample if you dont know about frequences in which to can turn down extra sounds on a sample. But the good thing about it was that I learned how to work around those extra sounds and use it to my advantage. I recommend 60's music, because that music had alot less vocals and more solo melodies to mess with. Also try things like mozart and old classical music, their are no limits.

Oh and dont be discouraged if you find a sample that has been used many times alrighty, Use it anyway. I've done many samples that have been used alot of times but I flip them my way with my style and I get alot of people saying ''damn u flipped it better then so and so did!'' Good luck man! And have Fun!

Word! Co-sign!


ill o.g.
just hooked up with one of my home based producers and we have been sharing ideas.local artists here mostly play live instruments with alot of resources to sample so i think i will do well on sampling but will keep yall upto speed on ma progress.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
just hooked up with one of my home based producers and we have been sharing ideas.local artists here mostly play live instruments with alot of resources to sample so i think i will do well on sampling but will keep yall upto speed on ma progress.

I know its off topic
Ur from Kenya right
Man i heard there is alot of shit going on there in kenya man, i was actually in nariboi 3 days after the contested , when all that crazy stuff happned... Im seeing its still going on. Can you give me some insight since your still there...



ill o.g.
I know its off topic
Ur from Kenya right
Man i heard there is alot of shit going on there in kenya man, i was actually in nariboi 3 days after the contested , when all that crazy stuff happned... Im seeing its still going on. Can you give me some insight since your still there...


yeah its still kinda hot down here, my self i couldnt report back to work close to 2weeks which is such aloss coz i gat to be paid.
anyway what were you doing in Kenya though?