commercial licensing

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Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I have a song that i want to send to a company that i think would make a good commercial. how should/would i go about this. who do i contact. what do i look out for (besides getting my song stolen). do i just send it to them? where do i start. thanks

The Arkitekt

God would probly give you the best answer to this, unfortunately he doesn't come through that often...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
You'll have to get with an agent, add firm, Entertainment Attorney, Publishing house or jiggle company that specializes in that. There are company's out there where that's all they do. It's next to impossible to just submit something and they pick it up. Most company's go with add campaigns these days. It's a whole package not just the music or jiggle.


9ine 2o 5ive Live
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 71
I would say try something like, You have to pay for a membership, but they have ads on there that are for many different things from commercials to video games. The site is basically set up to where you pay to get the list of openings that are coming up from artist to movies. You then find an ad that suits you and submit it. I would sign up for it, but it's 300 a year. Maybe in the future....Good luck.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
thanks ima check into those things. appreciate it


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
Cop a book called the "Hollywood Music Directory." It lists all record companies, licensing companies, pubs companies, etc. I would try there before some bullshit internet joint. Cats I know shotgunned demos through there and got representation or deals.

Remember that even if your song/clip is tight, it will be rejected by cats. Don't worry about it and keep pushing.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
something that many overlook (more now than ever) are music supervisors. not only can they get you placed as source or scourse music on both film and teevee (and in some cases 'the internets') but they are sometimes in contact with advertisers and agencies as well.

there are also companies that specifically do licensing and sign up musicians/beatmakers/etc and have them, like ad teams in an agency, make music pitches for whatever contract the company has been commissioned for. as usual, they're not easy to get into and sometimes it's who you know to get in, but there are some that are more open (and while some charge there's others that don't). some are similar to the taxi-type model while others are more like an agency

some tools that will help greatly in the licensing biz, as far as apps, are stylus rmx and i guess omnisphere (or camel audio's alchemy when it's available) due to the quickness and the ready made sounds and tools it possesses from jump.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
thanks again guess i got some homework to do hopefully it'll payoff.