Does Anyone have any Chest TIGHT Gripping Bass like compressed really good?.... subtractor or malstrom or a refill?.... anything would be appriciated thanks..
Don't even know what a Chest TIGHT Gripping bass like compressed really good is...
I like the way it sounds(chest TIGHT bass), can I get a .wav of that?
Sounds like it rips your lungs out...
your not asking a real question. wtf is a chest tight gripping bass.
a sub box not ported.. wtf.
i think you might mean a nice Sub Sine Bass
Chubb-E said:why does everyone have to try to make people look stupid instead of helping them out?..... thats bullshit......
OK thats enuff, we understand the question, we dont need a bunch of arguing like you see in tacky forums..
Last time that started they kicked a bunch of people of...
Sanova , kiss and make up....lol
Seriously for the newer guys, you cant start a fight up in here, "They" will flip.. "They" dont go for that...
Chubb just try and be as professionally descriptive as you can be and everyone will try and help..
I think what you want IS a sine wav pitched down...
I thought that you were talkin about chest TIGHT was an actual name of a vst or a brand name or somthin.
Now I think we all get it better..