CD Replication and Sample Clearance, anyone had this issue?

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Whats up? Discmakers wont manufacture my insrumental album, because it contains too many recongiziable samples. Does anyone know of a duplicator/replicator that won't look too hard into this issue? I know they are out there because most of the underground hip hop using samples isnt cleared, its just not feesible for 1,000 CDs!

Let me know,



ill o.g.
we were looking to get our mixtape manufactured last fall and this was the advice we got:

None of them will do it officially. You may be able to slide it in under their nose, but you also run the risk of sending them your money and them saying nope we can't give these CDs to you, and we can't give you the money back b/c we already manufactured them.

Pretty much unless you can prove you got clearances, your up shits creek as far as getting them manufactured. None of the manufacturers are gonna knowingly take that risk, because if the hammer comes down from whoever owns the publishing/sound recording rights, they're liable right along with you.

What you should do is find the cats in your area that everybody goes to to have their mixtapes duplicated. It'll probably even be cheaper. They'll be burnt, not manufactured, but you can still get text on the CD, and probably even pictures. In DC, we got a connect to get 1000 CDs and cases for $650. The inserts are a separate matter.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
^ thats all i could suggest as well. I never had that problem, but yea hit up the local hood heads. and thats a koo ass deal u got there..


Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
i've never heard of cd manufacturers not printing your cd's because of sample clearance....

i put out a mixtape and it was all mainstream problems....just dont go to the big companies like discmakers. Find a local company that prints and they'll do it. Shit they probably wont even be listening to your product. they prolly just make sure the shit plays and your cover looks right..

GRAE Eminence

ill o.g.
Most larger companies wont duplicate if there is a coptwrite infringement. its in almost everyones TOS.

2 ways around this...

1. Like everyone already suggested, use soe local cats


2. have a company like discmakers do the artwork only. they'll send you the discs with the art already imprinted...then burn the music on them yourself.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
^^^ Thats agood idea. Beats my "Buy a duplicator of your own the 4 grand investment will pay off" idea I had.
Dont know about local cats in Alaska but if you buy that youll be the local cat.
I dont know anyone who will duplicate outside local that would do that.
Thats why I dont sample, who project done and now you need a quater mill to clear all the shit.
For laughs you could contact the Harry Fox agency and see how much it would be to clear your samples.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
alkota said:
Whats up? Discmakers wont manufacture my insrumental album, because it contains too many recongiziable samples. Does anyone know of a duplicator/replicator that won't look too hard into this issue? I know they are out there because most of the underground hip hop using samples isnt cleared, its just not feesible for 1,000 CDs!

Let me know,

My cousin does that shit. He'll do it for you. PM me if interested.