i was torn.
the steelers were my team when i was a toddler (funny thing so were the pirates but i grew out of that and boring ass baseball) and i wanted to see tomlin win but i can't stand ro... eff it i can't be bothered to spell the qb's name. at the same time i used to like az when they were sad sacks but had wicked players due to draft picks but i didn't keep up with the season this year (i got rid of cable) and more importantly, i can't stand az's qb warner. but i found my self kind of rooting for pitt but i didn't think they would be able to get that last td, but even with triple coverage and a receiver that's not that tall az failed. oh well, at least they gave him the mvp instead of giving it to another undeserving qb.
but boy, i hate superbowl sunday. it's just an excuse to get free advertising for the network shows and films owned by the multinational that owns both. top it off with cheesy celebs, cheesy comedy bits, bob costas...
and the worst blight on football (but still media darling because he became on of them) that asshat, destroyer of franchises and responsible for the worst single season record...
....matt millen. wtf? i know the media, his friends and former peers, outside of detroit never went at him and actual legitimized is tenure but how many times do certain people get to fail upwards and get rewards? why would i want to get this guys analysis on anything even remotely related to football? let him tell old stories from his playing days but that's it.
by the time the game finally started i was barely interested, luckily they made it worthwhile and i didn't regret, turning it off and playin' games on the ps2