the proteus le is real nice. it has a ton of presets man, i havent even scratched the surface. i only had about an hour or so with it so heres my little review lol: it has some GREAT bass and percussion. the synths are good. acoustic stuff, not that much, and youll want to definitely tweak those. and yeah, you can expand the proteus le with the soundsets like the mo phatt and beat garden, i plan on getting the beat garden and the old instruments collection, probably even the vintage X by christmas. the thing is, you HAVE to have your xboard on and connected to use the Proteus le, it acts as a dongle. only thing i dont like about the proteus is you have to install it a certain way for it to work, and its not the way emu tells u too. i had to do over an hour of research online to get it to work. that and the fact that theres no disk streaming so it takes a lil bit to load at first and i have a centrino with 512 MB of ram, im gonna have to take it to at least a Gig of ram for it to load as fast as my other vsts. definitely make sure your pc is up to emu's suggested specs, they aint joking lol.