Cold Truth said:
ya'll are actin like this guy is the fucking savior and dont be suprised IF he wins and our troops are still there a year from now.....
Kerry was actaully NOT pro war....don't get all heated on me but u haven't been following the whole thing or listening carefully....I'm Canadian, therefore not eligable to vote, and even I know this....U need to do some research, don't just listen to the media, bush and pro-bush commercials because they are all bullshit, and completely biased. YES, AMERICAN MEDIA IS BIASED!!! Sometimes for one party, sometimes for the other, but regardless they all bend the truth or neglect to give you important information...
Kerry DID vote for the bill for the war. But the bill was NOT, I REPEAT, NOT a bill to go to war. The bill just gave Bush the freedom to make the choice to go to war after all else fails. Bush said before introducing the bill, that he would do everything in his power NOT to go to war, and only make the decision as a last resort, after all peaceful measures had been taken....Unfortunately Bush did not seek all peaceful measures of resolving the conflict, did not give the UN weapons inspectors enough time to find the weapons, and pretty much just jumped the gun and made the call....Kerry was pro-president, no pro-war. Kerry believed the president needed to be able to make that choice if it all came down to it, that's all....It's doesn't mean he was pro war
Without getting into the whole oil thing that Bush has a vested interest in, I personally believe that Bush wanted to be remembered. I think he wanted to go down in history as the man who went to war, because we all know, wartime presidents get honored and remembered the most...Obviously there are plenty of reasons and I could speculate for hours, but I honestly think that was definately one of his many reasons to go to war
Now don't think I'm pro-Kerry. As I said earlier in this thread, I think they both suck. The whole system sucks, and nothing will change without the system changing. A bipartisan system is retarted. What sucks is it will probably never change, or at least won't for a looooong looooong time. If any of y'all ever dreamed you would be president or a revolusionary and want to change the world, THAT would definately do it, and for the better....Think about it for a second