Bradley Won By Split Decision


113-115 113-115 113-115 by split decision in favor of Bradley.


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Battle Points: 10
"Its a bird, its a plane, naw fool thats a spaceship"

Boxing is one sport I believe to be the most corrupt, that fight had to be fixed cause my eyes and their scorecards were waaaaay off. Bradley lost fair and square.

Lil Dude

Battle Points: 17

that what the most unprofessional judging that there has ever been for boxing or any other sport that involves judging EVER. They need to give him the belt back. Bull shit.....And also they need to change the way they judge fights and add in the compubox numbers into play somehow. It makes a liitle sense considering if the fight goes 12 rounds and has to come to a decision. I mean dam, If the miami and boston game's score would be 101 miami-100 boston they're not gonna give boston the game WHy? Because thats why there is a score just like how boxing should be also.........Lets trend this and see how far it goes add puch stats to be a part of boxing mattch decisions...........


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I know this has been a minute but considering what I went through...all I can say is WOW! I just saw the replay of the fight and theres NO WAY this fight wasn't rigged.