Sticky Beat This! Theme Suggestions

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 704
Yeah, no drums!

Jack Black Smile GIF
I'm laugh react'ing to Fade's laugh react.

Because we are veterans of this theme. We remember the times.

Drum Chief

Battle Points: 6
*Guest Judges*
I'm sure I heard you had something like this before. But it could be good for occasional guest judging by ILL OGs or at least regular/known users. So it could be a theme: Guest Judge - ILLUSER

The idea being that there could also be a theme; that theme being a style the guest judge is known for. It could also just be left as a NoTheme with a guest judge. But could also be like Theme: Guest Judge - 2GooD: BoomBap

Or such.

The submissions would remain anonymous, and the judge would pick their top 5. Maybe with a short explanation on their choices (or leave that bit optional).
deff need some other ppl in here to judge the beats.
Computer / Console Video Game sample

Creepy, Sinister Vibe


Sounds from the Amazon Rain Forest

Classic Cartoons

Drums and Bass plus 2 Specific instruments only!

Film Quotes!

Death - 3days to live vibe

A classic book or film snippet and how you would musically interpret that.

The back of an ambulance - An Emergency