Beat This! Competition - September 18-19, 2024

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When was that? I always congratulate everyone on their win and I see others do the same each battle.
oh no you -the maple-syrup sippin sweetiepie that you are- did ofc. but back in my tier A Legendary 695 season a lot of people always avoided doing so cuz, as I'd fancy imagining, they hated me back then. which is again something I now miss. now most people just don't give af cuz they got lives to attend to lmfao.


Listen closely... Closer...
Battle Points: 200
Man didn't know I was about to open up a can of worms with my comment... In all respect I think the biggest issue is voting in a contest where you're actually competing in the first place. But I don't know how it could be done different anyways (unless we vote our top 3 with different points for 1, 2 and 3 and in the end the beat with most points wins... I don't know Im not really good with that type of things), just sayin that it could be easy for someone to just skip a vote because they did recognize a certain style or use a 'strategic' vote.

As for the mixing talk, I tend to agree that you would never vote for a beat that doesn't sound right TO YOU so... This is just common sense. Only thing is that your mixing tastes doesn't mean they are the same as mine so it's naturally different.

On my end I vote for whatever makes me feel something special, that is unique and just fits all well, to my taste. I don't waste too much time on smaller details as I feel this is not what regular people would do by listening to a new track anyways.
Man didn't know I was about to open up a can of worms with my comment...
if you call this a can of worms, you should see my family...

literally. there's always a corner where the worms live. I cleared out the kitchen's & my room's a while ago so I'm good but the other room? 100% still there.
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Music is so subjective, I look at it like, if I like what I've created then that's good enough. Of course we want others to like our music but you cant please all.
I used to place a bit here and there but don't get a look in now. I was heavily sampling and chopping but recently been trying to play out whole tracks on the pads using different plugins which to me is much harder because I'm more used to sample chopping.
But my point is i enjoy it, I'm always experimenting and trying new shit or arranging the beat differently which may not be of others taste but again i am enjoying the process.

Once you begin to put others views on your beat above your own then you are focusing more on their taste than your uniqueness. With that said always be open to constructive criticism because others have plenty more experience out there and can teach you some new shit!

There's also a lack of attention now days, I recon I'm in the minority who actually listen to all the beats start to finish instead of 30 seconds then next. Had it many times before where I think the beat is done then they flip it with dope transitions, complete drum switch, whatever but I wouldn't have known if id skipped.

Anyway we're all out here creating which is more than most people scrolling through shit on their device with no purpose.

Enjoy and keep making beats, I still get excited for the comps especially the themes to see what you lot come up with, Dope!


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
That's cool and you're entitled to your opinion. I like TWU beat a lot but that Inspector gadget beat was bananas and it didn't even place. Even your beat was dope. I thought you was going to win with the westcoast style beat. Those 3 beats had a chance to win and one did. I see you take pride in mixing (which is great) but its seems like you only vote on a person mix instead of the full criteria of a beat (I could be wrong). I never said you were praising anyone
Yeah but don't forget - when there's a lot of contestants it's hard to get in the top 5. That's just how it's going to play out.

I always think back to the DMC battles in the 90s where they had prelims then they would pick about a dozen guys to compete. Out of that they would have the top 3. Even then the judges sometimes got it wrong. Some guys won because they did stupid shit that made the crowd go crazy. The technical guys a lot of times didn't place because it was probably way over everyone's heads.

So who knows, it could be a similar situation we have here.

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 746
That's cool and you're entitled to your opinion. I like TWU beat a lot but that Inspector gadget beat was bananas and it didn't even place. Even your beat was dope. I thought you was going to win with the westcoast style beat. Those 3 beats had a chance to win and one did. I see you take pride in mixing (which is great) but its seems like you only vote on a person mix instead of the full criteria of a beat (I could be wrong). I never said you were praising anyone

Whats ironic, is a year or so back, I was arguing with 2Good because I said I don't really take a mix too much into consideration if the beat/song/music is great. Whereas he and I think couple others were putting almost all the eggs on the mix when voting.

Now, it is definitely fair to say in recent months/this year, I've taken an extra keen interest in mixing, it's been a huge focus of my music making. And I didn't necessarily think I had gotten much better, but had noticed I'm hearing much more nuanced details. So whilst a lot of it may be unintentional, the mix aspect of voting is likely playing a bigger aspect than it was for me - but it’s important to note, prior it was only informing a small portion of my decision, now it's likely a lot more balanced; I don't know if Fade can see who voted for who, but I've often voted for beats with less than perfect mixes because I thought the beat was so good - I'm also pretty transparent about who I voted for etc.

So, for me, when it comes to mixing/voting, I'm not merely voting for the best mix (in fact there used to be someone here who had brilliant mixes but had no success because the music was plain),
If a beat say, compared to Arvin Mine or Twu's mix is very flat very 2D, a bit dull, a few things slightly off, but the beat is amazing, it can still get my vote - voted on many like this. ---

What the issue is, is if the mix problem is something that distracts from the beat, i.e. something thats 20db too loud, the kick is inaudible and there's a piercing sound making my ear bleed, then that's going to take me away from being able to hear or connect with the beat. Like someone (I think Crog) said, it's about how you connect with the beat --- and why I even suggest some people should just make the beat and leave the mix/master alone, as some (I've been there myself) fuck up the beat by overprocessing/processing wrong.

This also goes the other way - you can balance something too perfectly that you've mixed the emotion out of it. Sometimes it's about 'misbalancing' things a little because it "feels" right, or communicates the tracks emotion.

These are things I'm taking into consideration when making music. I was quite pleased my track actually sounds to me, very well mixed, don't know if it's just a fluke and the next batch might not sound good. But I also thought my beat sounded a little boring, and said this privately to Arvin. Might just be 'Cause I've heard it so many times.

I voted for Crogs beat in the battle because it just had a certain feel, that I dug.
Whats ironic, is a year or so back, I was arguing with 2Good because I said I don't really take a mix too much into consideration if the beat/song/music is great. Whereas he and I think couple others were putting almost all the eggs on the mix when voting.
I've never put all my eggs on the mixing aspect, just argued it was part of the stated voting criterior and sometimes a decent mix could be a deciding factor.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Well I just got an email from someone with mad drama about all of this. Basically the person that first brought this up to me privately.

The last line of the email was "delete my account I won't be back".


I don't get paid enough to deal with this... wait I don't get paid at all!

100k 50k GIF

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 746
I don't even get who's upset :LOL:

I feel I slightly ruffled K Waz with the comment about the high end, but I don't think that'd be his reaction. Tho he did express some politics regarding mixing and voting.

Hope it's not him. Hope it's no one and Fade just making a point ha


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I get it - the battles can be competitive, that's a given. But when all I get is complaints and no solutions then what am I supposed to do? Even then, it's voting and we all know that everyone has their tastes. We've been through countless ways to vote and nothing is perfect. If I had a panel of judges voting, or even Dr. Dre himself picking the winners, someone would eventually complain.

The funny thing is, I don't hear complaints about the voting when that person is winning battles.

But to say that there's all sorts of problems with this website and that things need to change, then talking shit about certain members, that doesn't sit right with me, and it shouldn't with any of you either.

I can't even imagine how it would be if we had cash and prizes on the line!
I don't even get who's upset :LOL:

I feel I slightly ruffled K Waz with the comment about the high end, but I don't think that'd be his reaction. Tho he did express some politics regarding mixing and voting.

Hope it's not him. Hope it's no one and Fade just making a point ha
Nawww you didn't slightly ruffled me... I'm just trying to figure you out. I have no reason to want my page deleted. I "Kinda" get over shit quickly. I tries to hold no grudge.
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I get it - the battles can be competitive, that's a given. But when all I get is complaints and no solutions then what am I supposed to do? Even then, it's voting and we all know that everyone has their tastes. We've been through countless ways to vote and nothing is perfect. If I had a panel of judges voting, or even Dr. Dre himself picking the winners, someone would eventually complain.

The funny thing is, I don't hear complaints about the voting when that person is winning battles.

But to say that there's all sorts of problems with this website and that things need to change, then talking shit about certain members, that doesn't sit right with me, and it shouldn't with any of you either.

I can't even imagine how it would be if we had cash and prizes on the line!
If cash or a prizes was on the line....
angry tom and jerry GIF
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The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I was looking forward to giving a proper final go this season, up against 2G Arvin Swayee Delta etc etc.

Interesting character tho Swayee.

And he also messaged my privately to praise my battle beat before.
Just a note to everyone: you can have your account disabled which means everything is there but you can't login, but if you want it deleted then everything is GONE. Your posts will still show but your name won't be there and all your battle stuff will show N/A. Which means even your battle points and all that don't show. So if you look at the season we just had: it was Sway that had the most this and that. So @Armani automatically moves up. It's like Sway didn't exist.

So if you ever want your account deleted that's what happens.
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