Jimothy Swing
Battle Points: 19
Hey all. Made this beat a few days ago, and it's one of my favorites from among my own work.
The trouble I'm having is this: it sounds the way I want it to sound on my dogshit $20 headphones. It sounds nice on my wife's slightly better-quality headphones too. Bass comes through with that nice, thick sound I want.
But on my TV (using the built-in speakers) it's like the bass disappears entirely. The kick drum sounds thinner and punchier than I want too. Same approximate issue happens with my little Bluetooth speaker I use to listen to music in the shower.
Pretty sure it's just the speakers lacking capacity to play sounds below a certain frequency, but does that mean I have to avoid these sweet, deep bass frequencies that sound so great, just to accommodate low-quality equipment?
Seems like such a waste.
The trouble I'm having is this: it sounds the way I want it to sound on my dogshit $20 headphones. It sounds nice on my wife's slightly better-quality headphones too. Bass comes through with that nice, thick sound I want.
But on my TV (using the built-in speakers) it's like the bass disappears entirely. The kick drum sounds thinner and punchier than I want too. Same approximate issue happens with my little Bluetooth speaker I use to listen to music in the shower.
Pretty sure it's just the speakers lacking capacity to play sounds below a certain frequency, but does that mean I have to avoid these sweet, deep bass frequencies that sound so great, just to accommodate low-quality equipment?
Seems like such a waste.