assigning a single key to a single sound

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open mind

this is possible with a layer.add a layer then assign channels to that layer then split the channels in the layer.but maybe there is another easier way to do i dunno.


ill o.g.
yeah, you can do it with layers, its quite easy, and with keyboard splits etc.... hit up the tutorial at i think its on layers, it covers splits too, i think thats exactly what you're looking for


ill o.g.
heres some additional help on that subject.
since your midi device can only trigger one sample at a time in the step secquencer that means you will have to find a way to link all the samples you want to use into one sample. as these guys said that layering is how you do it. the actual layer is plugin built into the flstudio and is located in your insert section (at the top of flstudios go to "channels>add one>layer). now you need to set the keys for the individual samples on where they should be triggered on your keyboard. so you will have to go and set individually where on the keyboard it will trigger in each samples proporties> then click on the MISC tab within the sample proporties and on the mini keyboard at the bottom of that screen find where the note you want to trigger is then right click on it and then left click on it. after that there is a button right above that says "add to key"... press that. Now you have set one key and will have to repeat the keysetting process to all the other samples you want to trigger. Once there all set you can now highlight the channels you want to use by RIGHT CLICKING on the little lights to the right of the sample in the step secquencer to select more than one. (what i mean is the lights that show what sample is currently selected). after that go back to the layer plugins proporties and click "set children" (you must be sure that your selected channels are still highlighted before clicking set children or else it wont work).

Viola now when the layer plugin is selected you will be able to trigger the keys you previously set from the samples you assigned on the keys you want!

p.s. edited
I just found a video that explains this... i wish i had know that before!! lol oh well


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 27
go to options - midi settings- where it says omni preview put it on 1 and whatever you have in
the step sequencer will be laid out across the keyboard hope that helps you dog


ill o.g.
yeah thats definatly much more effective and quick ^^
with layering you would have to save a tamplete of what i explained as it can seem forever doing that everytime you start a new project


ill o.g.
i made a layer vid a while ago, its in the Video Section. that might help you.

open mind

yeah i saw that vid AMG waaaaaaaaaay back and it helped me a lot.thanks again