Arizona Shooting

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Sound Tight Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 201
Wanted to know what everyones opinion is on the matter. It made me sick when I first heard this guy killed so many people including a little girl. I know the news has been talking about it everyday but the coverage has been so laid back and calm. I cant help but to think if the shooters name was Abdul or Muhammed all hell would be breaking loose right now with more and more pissed off people doing interviews. I dont know about you but this was a terroist attack in my opinion, the killer was against the government, had a plan, and attemped to kill a government official. What do you guys think, do you consider this a domestic terrorist attack or a serial killing?


Sound Tight Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 201
I haven't been following the story, was the motivation, killing a government official? What caused him to want to do that?

Yeah, Gabrielle Giffords is a member of the US House of Representatives, and the shooter knew exactly where she was going to be and time. The problem I have some people want to say its another person giving into the pressures of the economy and unemployment. That guy is a terrorist in my book.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Well he definitely fits the description as a terrorist but I don't view him as a terrorist like an Al Qaeda terrorist. I think he already had mental issues and he just snapped. Killing those people was a senseless act and he will pay for that. So I think he was a little of both terrorist and serial killer.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
he's not a serial killer, you can call him a spree killer, but not a serial killer.

if poplowski, stack, adkisson, turndige, brounn, roeder, etc, weren't called terrorists, you know damn well loughner won't be, despite the fact that he specifically went out to assassinate giffords and then to kill as many as possible and create chaos, fear, and terror.

add him to the list (for the last 3 years)


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
I think we are used to seeing crazy white people shoot shit up , not condoning it.
My thing is this doesnt surprise me considering all the hate speech the right has been throwing out there, no matter how polished Palin is trying to come on a prerecorded tape, her ass is part of the problem , I m actually surprised this didnt happen sooner.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I went to high school in Tucson.

I don't want to write a novel about this but it is pretty close to home for me. My wife's best friends works in the hospital the Congress woman ended up in. And I have a good friend that is a cop that guarded her room for a few days.

The biggest thing that bothered me was all the sensitivity around it in the arena of not wanting to place blame and politicize this out of respect for the victims. Yes, we don't want to use this as a tool to spin things and throw politicians in the mud. But.... Bill Mahr does a better job of explaining it, but there is a reason why a lot of us don't do things like use cross hairs to target Democrats.