After reading several threads about producers having problems finding tight beats, I decided to start a new thread and ask you guys this...Why aren't you making your own sounds by processing your drum kits? It kinda seems that I'm the only one doing this or either its an industry secret that nobody is I've heard so many people say that the program they are using has either corny beats or only a few that they like. The thing is, I agree with you and I feel the same way but I started processing beats and it works well for me. As producers we all strive to find PHAT beats but I know that theres a better way than pulling your hair out trying to find new drum kits or downloads on the net. Even something as simple as an EQ and a reverb can help change a beat into something special for a beginner. For the Novice and Pros, I'm sure you guys already do this with more complex hardware/software processors but I haven't seen anyone suggest it yet. So I'm wondering what the deal is? To me its just like taking a well known sample and making something totally different out of it but doing it with drums. Give me your input on this.