Its probably just the interface thats kinda scary, But i just purchased Reason 3, And feel i waisted $300.
The sequencer isnt good at all, I cant figure out the "Hotkey's" for the transpose button's, It's hard to edit whats been recorded threw Midi [Thus far, Man i miss good 'ol piano roll], Dont support VST's, Ect..
I dont see why people like it? If it were possible, I'd return it right now, And purchase NI Komplete even with the $900 differnce.
Maybe after a few more day's, Ill learn how to work with it and like it just as much.
but for now, ::Gasp:: I'd take FL studio over Reason anyday..
But, Since i own it now, Anyone know how to rewire it to FL6? I opened a Rewire channel in FL6, Choose reason, then when i click "Show panel" i get this:
"This is the first time youve run reason, Before you run reason in Rewire mode you need to run it as a standalone, And setit up. [Then a list of step's]"
I been using Reason all day, What do i need to set-up?
The sequencer isnt good at all, I cant figure out the "Hotkey's" for the transpose button's, It's hard to edit whats been recorded threw Midi [Thus far, Man i miss good 'ol piano roll], Dont support VST's, Ect..
I dont see why people like it? If it were possible, I'd return it right now, And purchase NI Komplete even with the $900 differnce.
Maybe after a few more day's, Ill learn how to work with it and like it just as much.
but for now, ::Gasp:: I'd take FL studio over Reason anyday..
But, Since i own it now, Anyone know how to rewire it to FL6? I opened a Rewire channel in FL6, Choose reason, then when i click "Show panel" i get this:
"This is the first time youve run reason, Before you run reason in Rewire mode you need to run it as a standalone, And setit up. [Then a list of step's]"
I been using Reason all day, What do i need to set-up?