dude its not cheaper. As I said before if you buy the ram and hard drives from somewhere other than Apple they are the same price. Also I like having Macs in the studio because you don't need to worry about virus's or spyware. Less maintenance in general. In fact the Total cost of ownership is MUCH lower with apple products. Look here http://www.newsfactor.com/story.xhtml?story_id=22738
i agree with dream ... macs are dumb reliable... i never even turn my off.. i never defrag like i had to contantly do with my pc, and i watch porn and surf the net and download shit with the same unit i record on, and have some (k)ed plugins and my shit works properly evrytime... they require like 0 maintenance.. imo a mac pays for itself .... but at the time same dont buy into they hype that u need all this 8 core shit just to make music... i got wifey a dell pc a little over a year ago shits already fucked, operates mad slow and has got spyware up the ass...which i gotta pay for to get good protection against.... for her birthday i got her a macbook... smooth sailing.... my imac is well over 2 years stong right now under daily use never turn it off no odd hiccups and prolly only had to restart it about 5 or 6 times since i owned it.
dude its not cheaper. As I said before if you buy the ram and hard drives from somewhere other than Apple they are the same price. Also I like having Macs in the studio because you don't need to worry about virus's or spyware. Less maintenance in general. In fact the Total cost of ownership is MUCH lower with apple products. Look here http://www.newsfactor.com/story.xhtml?story_id=22738
Stop instigating u assApple=Rotten
Stop instigating u ass
From now on I invalidate Relics opinion on computers, he hardly uses the one he has because he is a "Hardware" guy and can only rock an MPC. So there!