Ok I had the Motif 1st Generation, I loved how you could program the parts.....I got the Fantom and kept it 2 weeks.....then and offer I could not refuse came last 1st and last good track took 2nd place behind Deuce, anyhow I went in to trade the Fantom-S, I was not as satisfied with the ability to easily string together beats and bring in parts.....for some reason that whole pads section is tight but I couldn't get the bad experience using the sp505 out of my head which quickly found its way back to the store within a day for slow sample loading etc....dont get me wrong the visual and mastering section alone make it a top choice board.......I do not like how you set up the sample kits and program parts on the pads.....I mean I guess I was used to the Motif....but after almost 2 weeks I still sort had this feeling of.......Toy???? I dunno but anyhow I went to pick up the Motif ES.....but in the process of trading the Fantom up for the Mo, I ran into the eyecatcher of the keyboard section the Triton Extreme and as I type I am putting together a straight banger, the wildest thing about the board it has a fuggin Vacuum tube right there, a real Tube amp built into the board and does it work ......damn man anyhow I think this is my last purchase.....I gotta get solid with this board but it is easier to put together a simple sequence on the Triton....I'll have more reviews as I learn the piece...