ACID & Pro Tools Question

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Beat Enthusiast
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100
I have tried to do some research on this but could find no answer.

(I have always used hardware, this my first time in a real recording studio recording tacks created with software)

If I wanted to record at a studio using the Pro tools system... Can my ACID project files (Sequence) be opened by PT? If not, what will be the best way for my tracks to be converted?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
no your acid project wont open in PT but you could render or export each track individualy out of acid as wave files and import them into protools and everything should line up just like you had it in acid.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 51
Yo joe....just use Rewire. open up an AUX channel in pro tools. click on insert...and you will see ACID on the list. usually under instruments. then you can just Solo each track iin ACID and record it onto a track in pro tools. you can also use an AUDIO track, instead of an AUX track. That way you can just record it straight from the audio track. REWIRE is Like RCA Jacks coming out of ACID into Pro tools like any other instrument. Straight Audio feed.

My 2 pennys.
