^^ another nice one is the R8, i have a drumstation and it does the job.
I never owned one but i had one for a long time when i was 13. My dad's a flamenco player and we went to visit a friend of his. This friend's brother used to be in a famous dutch 70's band of which his brother was playing the keys. Anyway, they'd started to play some classic flamenco stuff and afterwards we started talking about musical stuff in the family and i stated i cant play guitar but give me a computer and a synth and im good. He then on tells me has a drumsynth from his brother in the house and right under the couch where he was sitting he grabbed an 808 from under it, covered in dust... Man i was gobsmacked, i knew what it was and it was responsible for and he let me take it home and i returned it after a year. I had built myself speakers back then and sported a nice 15" + big horn pa setup and 2 amped w-bins and damn i had fun with the 808 hooked up to those.
Its really impressive how creative you can get playing live with just the 808 (or 909), a good example of this is jeff mills with his 909 livesets.