buying gear to me that is not made for your purpose is wasting time to me, if you have a lot going on like 2 to 3 instruments midi'd up and loading wavesamples into the eps16 +, and sequencing is a lot to ask of an over 10 yr piece of gear, the EPS series of samplers are known to crash, I've used Roland sequencers, Korg, ENsoniq, Cakewalk, and CUbase sequencers, and I must say ENsoniq is the worst, don't even think about using it as a midi controller too difficult, I got another Ensoniq keyboard that I use to sequence everthing with and it worked great, but since adding my computer I use Cubase to sequence, my ESQ1 is my midi controller cause it's easier to define a track, and I haven't looked back, the only clicking you have to do is, record, stop, play, it's not like fruity loops or anything, I couldn't mess with that all day either for all the clicking, I'd rather bang on something, I have a little countdown in Cubase when it's about to record, then I bang away, also what will you record on?