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  1. Fade

    Production 8 Things You Might Not Know About DJ Premier

    When you think of Hip Hop producers, who's the first person that comes to mind? It could be Dr. Dre, or even Kanye West. But what about DJ Premier? Always chilling in the background and quietly making beats day in and day out, Premo has been producing since the 1980's and is still going strong...
  2. Fade

    Industry A Guide to Selling Your Beats the Right Way

    One of the most controversial aspects of selling beats is whether or not to sell your beats cheap, or to sell them at whatever price you feel is deserved. I think that beats should be priced on various factors, such as how good they are, your reputation, and what the current market is...
  3. Fade

    Industry How Technology Has Changed Hip Hop Sampling

    Sampling from vinyl is a common practice amongst Hip Hop producers, going all the way back to the early days of beat creation. Going digging at the local record store and finding that hidden gem is what many have done countless times, which has led to a slew of well known tracks and certified...
  4. Fade

    Industry This Is How Hip Hop Producers Can Be Successful in the Music Industry

    The music industry is a tricky game - one that many of us are trying to win at but only a few that really succeed. Many producers, beatmakers, rappers, and everyone in between work very hard to achieve that success without even questioning why they haven't gotten it yet. I believe that hard...
  5. Fade

    Tutorials 10 Great Beat Making Tips for Beginners

    Even with all the music production and beatmaking information right at your fingertips, it can still be difficult to figure out how to get started making beats. If you're a beginner, you might find tips but those same tips may be too advanced for you at this point, so this article is all about...
  6. Fade

    Production 5 Things Every Beatmaker Needs in Their Studio

    What you have in your studio is extremely important. You can always make beats with just a simple drum machine and sampler, or your favorite beat making software program, but you should always try to have the best possible setup, as it will make a huge difference. Here are some of the most...
  7. Fade

    Production 20 of the Most Influential Hip Hop Producers of All Time

    Hip Hop wouldn't be where it is today if it weren't for the producers that provide the backbone to every track. It's always the rappers and singers that get most of the attention, but it's the producers that are the driving force. I have compiled a list of 20 of the most influential Hip Hop...
  8. Fade

    Tutorials The Ultimate Guide on How to Make Beats

    INTRO Making beats has evolved over the years from being a simple drum loop with the occasional sound added in, to full-on music productions that could rival any genre. I have often been asked the most basic questions from people that are new to beatmaking, as well as seasoned veterans. Because...
  9. Fade

    Production I Make Beats and so Should You

    I often hear various terms when it comes to beatmaking. "Boom Bap", "Trap", "Underground", and many more are what a lot of beatmakers refer to when describing what style of beats they produce. As far as I'm concerned, none of those exist. It's Not About a Style of Hip Hop Beats One of the most...
  10. Fade

    Tutorials 5 Tips You Can Use to Improve Your Music Production

    You can never have enough tips and tutorials when dealing with music production, so I put together a list of 5 tips you can start using right now. 1. Master Your DAW With all of the software options available today, it can be difficult to choose which digital audio workstation you should...
  11. Fade

    Production This Is Why You Need More Electric Guitar in Your Beats

    On a recent episode of Attack of the Beats!, I gave advice to an IllMuzik member about his beat and what needed to be fixed and added or removed. The beat in question was really good but it was missing something, like some sort of lead instrument. So I recommended he add some electric guitar...
  12. Fade

    Tutorials 5 Ways to Make Beats That Will Sell

    For some, making beats is a hobby and for others, it's big business. If you want to make money selling beats, then there are a few things you should consider first. Forget about just making a beat, uploading it somewhere and then spamming Twitter all day. That is not beat selling. What you need...
  13. Fade

    Off Topic Should Rappers Write Their Own Lyrics?

    It's a never-ending debate as to whether or not rappers should write their own lyrics or have them done by a ghost writer. Ice Cube was quoted recently with saying, "As far as emceeing and being a rapper, you should write your own stuff.” In other genres of music, it's common practice to have...
  14. Fade

    Production Vinyl: The Resurging Relic

    I'm going to be a bit nostalgic here; Hip Hop in the 90's saw a plethora of great music and that is why today people worldwide still talk about it. For those old enough to remember Rap music in the 80's, it also saw a great surge in popularity, resulting in arguably the best era ever. Some may...
  15. Fade

    Production Make Better Beats by Listening Carefully When Sampling

    Talk to any Hip Hop producer that uses samples and they will tell you that they're always on the lookout for "that" loop. The one that will make their beat blow up and be one of the best beats anyone has ever heard. It's been done many times before, from the Sugar Hill Gang all the way to...
  16. Fade

    Off Topic This Is Why Most Rappers Today Suck

    They all sound the same. Obviously the headline to this article is going to get a lot of people talking, but it had to be said. Most rappers today just suck. I can't believe that I'm actually writing about this topic because I never thought it would get to this point, but Rap music today has...
  17. Fade

    Tutorials 5 Hip Hop Production Tips That You Can Start Using Today

    There are plenty of tutorials about music production that are very good, but sometimes it's best to read about something aimed more at Hip Hop. In this article, I offer 5 tips that you can start using in your own productions, from sampling, to using filters, and more. Whether you're making beats...
  18. Fade

    Production Use The Right Sounds And Your Beats Will Be Unstoppable

    Whether sampling from vinyl or queuing up sounds from your favorite synth, it can be difficult to find the right sound for your productions. There are tons of beats out there that sound decent, but only a few that really stand out, and mostly it's because of the sounds that were used. If you...
  19. Fade

    Tutorials How To Get Your Bass And Kick To Play Nice

    Drums and bass play a very important part in Hip Hop production, as it is the foundation of what makes our beats sound great. However, many times there are drum kicks that just don't sound right, and a lot of that is because it doesn't blend well with the bass notes. Here's how to fix that. The...
  20. Fade

    Production 5 Reasons Why Your Kick Drum Sucks

    I listen to a lot of beats. A lot. Either it's someone that is posting on IllMuzik or my own creations, I have beats coming out of my ears. Often times I hear the wrong types of sounds being used, such as the kick drum. I've heard a lot of people that use whatever kick they can find and just...