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  • beat this! (feb 19-20) signup begins in...
  1. Chisel

    Showcase - December 22-24, 2012

    Nice laid back beat, thedreampolice. Great production. Love that funky bass! Here's a beat I made using the Maschine Conant Gardens expansion. Peace \/ chisel316
  2. Chisel

    Jan 24th - Jan 31st

    Thanks! I enjoyed your beat too. Love the breakdowns and change-up, but most of all I dig the swing on the hi hats! Peace \/ chisel316
  3. Chisel

    Jan 24th - Jan 31st

    Here ya go... Peace \/ chisel316
  4. Chisel

    Help!! Getting that ''sampled sound'' without sampling...

    I'm resurrecting this old thread, because I've based my whole production technique around what I call Faux-Sampled Beats - an original composed hip hop beat that sounds like it uses samples from vinyl recordings. Creating these beats has been the most fun I've had as a musician. I have nothing...
  5. Chisel


    Try to figure out the bass line by playing several octaves higher so you can hear the notes better - this especially holds true for when you're trying to add a sub! Peace \/ chisel316
  6. Chisel

    Jan 14th - 21st

    Keepin' it simple. Nothin' fancy. Peace \/ chisel316
  7. Chisel

    January 6th - 13th Flippage

    Thanks. It was a fun track to work with. Plenty of goodies in there! I liked your flip. Good use of delayed stabs. Those are my favorite! Peace \/ chisel316
  8. Chisel

    January 6th - 13th Flippage

    I'll bite. The only sound I used besides the song was a sub. This is a great song/band. Thanks for introducing us to them! Peace \/ chisel316
  9. Chisel

    Showcase - January 7-9, 2012

    Comments... 2GooD Productions - Smoking Kills: I was ready to make a comment of how the keys you used in the intro sound completely out of place with the rest of the beat until I heard that amazing piano! If you replaced the intro keys with that piano, this beat would get an A+ from me...
  10. Chisel

    Showcase - January 2-4, 2012

    I've been rockin' NI Maschine and Komplete 8 since the Summer, so all my new beats are exclusive to Native Instruments VSTs except for the effects and drums. I hear ya about the silence. I usually just drop out one part and not the whole thing like I did in this track. I'll definitely go back...
  11. Chisel

    Showcase - January 2-4, 2012

    Dirty Delores - Nice strings, pads, funky bass and drums. The synth that came in during the chorus was a bit too much for me. Maybe turn down the level a bit. Otherwise, good beat. The Robbery - I loved this beat from the second I pressed play. Love the swing on the drums. I'm still head...
  12. Chisel

    Showcase - December 28-30, 2011

    I made this beat tonight in one hour using Native Instruments Maschine in stand-alone mode. It's my typical Faux-Sampled style. Hope you enjoy it. Comments: odbarq - Nice laid back joint ya got there. Good swing to the beat. The vocal sample got a bit repetitive for my taste, but...
  13. Chisel

    Showcase - December 23-25, 2011

    I call this the Maschine 100% True School Trilogy. All three beats were made exclusively using Native Instruments Maschine True School Expansion Pack. No external samples or effects. Comments... @JustRipe - Nice swing to your beat. Love the holiday vibe! Great beat, man...
  14. Chisel

    How many hardcore Ableton users?

    I know I'm resurrecting a two year old thread, but I had to respond. Ableton Live is the heart of my studio. I use it with all my external gear to compose everything from Hip Hop to Trance. The workflow I have in Live is amazing. I use it with my Creamware Pulsar II in XTC mode. It's a...
  15. Chisel

    Sticky Show Your Setup!

    Here's a pic of my current setup. Mini-Studio pic
  16. Chisel

    Drum Rack for Additive Drums

    I originally posted this at the XLN Audio forum. It's an Ableton Live drum rack that I made for Addictive Drums. For anybody that uses AD, you know that they don't use standard GM mapping and the kit is mapped across almost the entire keyboard. So I created this drum rack for the purpose of...
  17. Chisel

    Remix Mag & Scratch

    Computer Music magazine is excellent for all the free samples they include. I must have dozens of gigs of royalty free samples covering all genres of music for all the magazine's that I've bought. At $15 an issue, it's well worth it for these alone. CM focuses mainly on VSTs while FM focuses...
  18. Chisel

    mpc1000 and its missing functions

    I love my MPC 1000. If it had all the same features of the 2000, it wouldn't exist. Tachyon, having 24 programs means that you can load up to 24 programs into memory at once. Considering that each program holds 64 samples (4 banks of 16), that's quite a bit. I've noticed that most people...
  19. Chisel

    i got an mpc!!

    First, create a folder on the CF card and copy your wav files into it. Don't use the Internal folder. Second, the MPC will load everything that is in the Autoload folder on the CF card regardless if that option is enabled/disabled. What the autoload option does is enable/disable loading the...
  20. Chisel

    Electrix warp factory

    They have some audio demos at their site Also has a demo. I have two vocoders: one on my SP-808 and one on my Virus b -- neither of which are dedicated. They're a total blast to play with. It's fun trying different source signals. Most people think of...