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  • beat this! (feb 19-20) signup begins in...
  1. PoW

    Showcase - February 20-22, 2013

    I like what you've gone for here its not typically my style but i do respect what you've made, i like the use of 'choir' sound when it comes in about a 45seconds in. The track itself sounds well mixed and the drums sit well which is something i usually have trouble with myself. Here something i...
  2. PoW

    How do you chop ? From techniques to software...

    Ive been fucking with the flex tool since you mentioned it but im now having the problem of it creates to many chops when you detect transients and slice at transients it there anyway to control this ? I end up having 1000 chops all lasting from 1/4 sec to 4seconds long, which becomes a problem...
  3. PoW

    new sample flip

    @RAW-D that shit reminded me of 04-06 period of rap man that shits so nice, way it kicked in!
  4. PoW

    How do you chop ? From techniques to software...

    Sorry i can imagine this thread has probably been created a million times but im just curious, how do people do there chops ? do they always try and find zero crossings? What software do you use to do your chops ? What Midi hardware to you use? Do you layer the chops onto a piece of midi...
  5. PoW

    new sample flip

    I started to flip this but after hearing Kohies flip i dont wanna post it, @kohie out of curiosity do you just chop up the audio and then just play with each chops segment or do you chop it up and through it down onto a midi device and play it out ?
  6. PoW

    Your current fav Producer.

    Cant believe i left out exile, hes been that dude in my eyes since i first heard him and Blu together
  7. PoW

    Behind The Beats with Khrysis

    Dope watch
  8. PoW

    Your current fav Producer.

    Tae Beast, Clams casino (these dude lo-fi sounding shit is amazing), leafdog (u.k dude that hardly no one checks, serious sample talent)