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  1. H

    FL Studio Help

    Can somebody help me with FL Studio 5 How do you make a 9th wonder/Premo beat some pictures words and also good basslines how do you do that lastly what are some good free music website makers HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace
  2. H

    cool FLStudio shortcuts wallpaper

    Much Help thanx
  3. H

    Beat Makeing Video with FLStudio

    propz to you thanx
  4. H

    We Need Some Fruity Loops Tutorials!!!

    where cam you download some
  5. H

    We Need Some Fruity Loops Tutorials!!!

    If you have or know a site to get some Fruity Loops Video or non-video tutorials post it plze. I know one POST MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. H


    Any rapper tryin to work on a song together style must not be gangsta but chill like Talib Kweli, Mos-Def, Kanye West, and Dead prez peace just holla at me at to hear one of my songs go to: or Hanz one of them i you have stuff i want...