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  1. sYgMa

    Richard Pryor died

    whoa... for real? That's messed up right here!!!
  2. sYgMa

    A tight beat, but...

    I'm guessing, I'm not the only one this happens to... I make an average of a beat every day (basic structure)... and this week, I made two beats that I thought where real nice. I finally tried the cutting/rearranging sample technique. Thing is, I wanna be versatile and be able to go...
  3. sYgMa

    Reason 2.5 vs FL Studio 5.1

    whoa... 3 gigs of crap...
  4. sYgMa

    Free ARP & Moog VST's

    good job... you cant say no to freebies... but we should be putting that stuff in the ressources
  5. sYgMa

    Reason Users: Club Joints

    Well, my advice sounds kinda basic, but here goes... what kind of club beats you wanna do? Cuz a gangsta beat can also be a club beat... Depends on the crowd, really. For instance, most of Mob Deep beats are gangsta, but some of them... "I'll show you how to whip them guns off, get that...
  6. sYgMa

    The Canadian Music Scene in the 2005/2006??

    Well, I think we will eventually be the next South... but it will take a bit of time, I think. Here, in Montreal, the hiphop scene is blooming, but it's still an underground movement. Radio is barely starting to play canadian (quebec's) hiphop on big mainstream station (radio and TV)... As for...
  7. sYgMa

    im moving to brooklyn

    Moving north... you gonna have a better understanding of the word "Winter"... lol Well, not as much as we Canadians do, but still... (hope you dont forget to bring a coat...)
  8. sYgMa

    Our favorite b-boy again

    that guy should learn taichi... he would kill people, jet li style... lol
  9. sYgMa

    im moving to brooklyn

    Congrats man!!! You making big moves, and I'm pretty sure your beats protfolio is already set... Good luck
  10. sYgMa

    Junio's Beatmaking Tutorial/tips

    nice tutorial for newbz... good looking out
  11. sYgMa

    Some free effects plug ins!!!!

    Here is another bank of free (and good quality) plugins. Enjoy!!!!
  12. sYgMa

    This southern b.s has gone to far(laffy taffy)

    I heard it again yesterday... Cheap sound, cheap lyrics... what agravates me is that BET is playing that crap and not other artists that obviously have WAAAAAY more talent, but are not backed up by the big industrial music corps...
  13. sYgMa

    FL STUDIO 6, End Of 2005

    Ima cop it as soon as it's released (it will be my christmas gift) and I'll probably go XXL too... to have the Full version
  14. sYgMa


    For me, I mix down the beats I think are the dopest and leave the rest like they are... chances are, my dope beats will be chosen 1st... and if someone is interested in the others, then I mix them... And then, sometimes, when I dont have any inspiration, I mix those other beats.
  15. sYgMa

    whats everyone sayin...?

    hey! welcome to illmuzik... where are you from? If you stick aroud here long enough, you'll be making bangers in no time lol!!!!
  16. sYgMa

    Trip to Cali...

    Thanx Wings... but I guess no one is interested...
  17. sYgMa

    Whats ya fav part when makin ya beats

    when I have the basic structure of the beat and I mess with it..., going in all sorts of direction... That's nice!
  18. sYgMa

    Kiss of Death

    Yeah... that was in the news and all... death by a kiss (that's messed up for real!)
  19. sYgMa

    best way of importing and working with samples in FL Studio??

    There is a program (beatslicer?) in which you can move the slicers and export the sliced beat in fruity loops... yeah you can make fine ajustement with it.... look it out!
  20. sYgMa

    Trip to Cali...

    Hey, I know I dont talk a lot to people individually here, but I got a favor to ask to the Californian section of the family... (just watched the Godfather.... sorry) One of my MCs is making a trip to California in the next days... (probably going to San Fransisco, San Jose... and other...