Search results

  1. sYgMa

    Most Beautiful Melody?

    That melody is real strong... depending on what version of the song you heard... Cuz that song has been used by a lot of artists... My favorite song is a Christmas song, actually... it's a French Christmas song, so I dont know if it's really known worldwide... It's "Minuit Chrétien"...
  2. sYgMa

    Snaps Thread!

    ^^^^you guys are killing me... this is probably the longest thread on here.
  3. sYgMa

    Bass Guitar Slide

    ^^^^very true... it will sound kind of artificial... the ony way you can try to make it sound kind of real is with an Guitar Amp VST... (not perfect, but, with a good mix, and layering it with a good guitar (soundfont/emulator) it could be all right
  4. sYgMa

    Written Drums

    You're looking for drum patterns? can you say "Search"?'re welcome!
  5. sYgMa

    Bass Guitar Slide FL studio, that's pretty simple. I'm guessing you're talking about a note that is played and (on a real bass) the bassist slides his fingers on the cord0 to change the pitch of the note he played... and usually, they go to a lower note... My suggestion? if you have a program that...
  6. sYgMa

    Snaps Thread!

    Yo mama's such a skank, she's your daughter-in-law...
  7. sYgMa

    regular BPM Technic or double BPM Technic?

    I double sometimes. Like the others said, it's to have more space to compose, for instruments and percussion (specially the hi hat...). thing is, I dont use a midi controller much... and I know I could change the settings of the piano roll, but it's easier to double the bpm... and use 8/4 time...
  8. sYgMa

    for the fruity loops masters?

    If you have an Asio sound card, you'll have an ASIO driver with it.... what sound card do you have? Also... if you want a Asio driver... 1- Go to this site: 2- Type "Asio Driver" in the text box 3- Press the "Search" button.. .... if you want, here's where...
  9. sYgMa

    Community Discussion, Important!

    like that idea... and you could also have a text box where they actually gotta write "I agree"... In the text, you'd have something like: "You may not spam the site for you personnal promotion, ever. If you do, you'll be banned. By writing "I agree" in the text box bellow, you're stating that...
  10. sYgMa

    i need some sick vinyl loops

    Yes you can, but there is nothing like that live and/or grimmy and/or soulful feel a sample gives to a track. It depends what kind of beats you're making, but regardless, a drum loop you make out of samples CAN sound like a live loop, but with a lot of work... that human feel a drum loop has is...
  11. sYgMa

    Wanted to share somthing with yall..

    Man, Akai should really be thinking about a new MPC-Mini or something... those kids gotta have some toys too lol
  12. sYgMa

    Label I work for has a new project for me

    Are you allowed to find those beats on vinyl and work with them?
  13. sYgMa

    How to split Accapella from Intrumental?

    ^^^^That's exactly what I was thinking... and that's what I asked the question to begin with... sounds like the final product will sound dull or will be lacking some texture... I gotta try to see what's up, then I'll comment
  14. sYgMa

    How to split Accapella from Intrumental?

    ^^^^gotta try that one... could be interesting if you got a good sample with drums you wanna get rid of...
  15. sYgMa

    Opening Act

    Hope you tear up that stage... try to make Hieroglyphics look bad! lol
  16. sYgMa

    Help me with hip hop project!

    If you want, you could even go with Canadian hiphop "Bakardi Slang" From Kardinal Offishal... he also explains the slang (which is a mix of patwa and hiphop slang)
  17. sYgMa

    3/4, 2/4, etc. Drums

    To change your time signature, Go to Option/Project General Settings What you need to change is the Bar Length and the Beat Length. Nromally, the Beat Length stays at 4. As for the beat length, if you want a 4/4.. well leave it as it is. that's the default setting. For a 3/4, put the bar...
  18. sYgMa

    Weekly HipHop News (March 12th)

    Guerrila Black?!
  19. sYgMa

    the broke mans studio?

    ^^^Pretty sure he meant drivers... but tell use exactly what programs you use and what's in your computer... We'll be able to help you better taht way... By the way, Vince's idea is the best, if you wanna go cheap (and if you have a webcam). If you have a camcorder, you can plug it in your...
  20. sYgMa

    your first bought record?

    Pointer Sisters... Dont remember the name of the album...( it was a single) I think it's break my heart or something like that...