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  1. Heez Magnif

    Beat Thang sampling by Lady Tha ProducHer

    1st gen drum machine/sampler from an unproven company that came out of the woodwork with a price on par with well-estabilished company's boxes? I think i'll pass, unless they come up with something revolutionary.
  2. Heez Magnif

    MPC2000xl Vs Maschine, some quick thoughts for those curious.

    MV is not confusing to use, if you learn how to use it.
  3. Heez Magnif

    Showcase - July 1-3, 2011

    Choose and post one. Read the rules.
  4. Heez Magnif

    J dot From Laid Back Ent

    Welcome to Illmuzik
  5. Heez Magnif

    Showcase - July 1-3, 2011

    L.A. Noire - Main Theme (Dripping In Gold's Groove Remix)
  6. Heez Magnif

    SD Card For The SP-1200!!!

    "childlishly" and i was joking... hence the lol at the end. it is ugly tho.
  7. Heez Magnif

    Showcase - June 26-28, 2011

    its all sample besides the basslines, i can't play keys worth a sh!t, lol
  8. Heez Magnif

    SD Card For The SP-1200!!!

    the 404 is so ugly tho, lol
  9. Heez Magnif

    Showcase - June 26-28, 2011

    @Relic, thanks alot i appreciate it! @Iron Keys, oh sh!t, nice work on them keys then!
  10. Heez Magnif

    Roland Gaia anyone have/messed with/thoughts on it? I played with it a little at my local Guitar Center, the sounds are pretty rich and very tweakable. For $699 its a pretty good option for those wanting an analog synth but who can't...
  11. Heez Magnif

    SD Card For The SP-1200!!!

    ive always wanted to get a SP, but that sampling time always held me back from it. I may just get it now
  12. Heez Magnif

    Sickest Maschine Vids ever

    omg.. why?!? i'll reserve any harsh judgement because i have a feeling that guy may be mentally handicapped.
  13. Heez Magnif

    New to IllMuzik

    thanks for the warm welcome everyone! @Dacalion, a fellow MV brother! i absolutely love my MV, the only thing i hate is that i dont have the MV8-op1 so i dont have 8 outs. when i track out a beat i have to mute each track and record them seperately. Which is such a pain and waste of time...
  14. Heez Magnif

    June 22 - June 29 (1 week)

    damn, thanks for the new discovery. first time i ever heard a song from him
  15. Heez Magnif

    Showcase - June 26-28, 2011

    nice work, reminds me of 2000's underground hip hop
  16. Heez Magnif

    Showcase - June 26-28, 2011

    i dig the piano sample, like has been said, a variation in the low octave piano could make it sound much funkier. nice work forreal
  17. Heez Magnif

    Showcase - June 26-28, 2011

    hey all, new to the forums, first time posting a beat on the showcase
  18. Heez Magnif

    New to IllMuzik

    Hey everyone, I joined Illmuzik so i could get more inspiration and support from my beatmaking brethren. I've been making beats for about 7 years now, I started making them on a PC with FL Studio and once i got more into it, bought a Roland MV-8800, Yamaha Motif6, Pro-Tools, Rokit6 monitors...