i heard this game is cool but its gets kinda old after a while and u beat it pretty quickly..and plus theres no online play which is wack and kinda a waste of a dope idea
idk but jesus this is what the grammys have come to...even the jonas brother have a nomination for album of the year..what does that say about todays grammey's...
idk i knoe for me i just knoe what instruments would sound good as im hearing the track ..i guess its from all the records and samples ive heard thru out the years..
wow this shit is dope Just blaze killed that beat thas why hes one of my favorites..this guy is nice man i never heard of this guy WE NEED MORE REAL LYRICISM LIKE THIS
im talking about the skinny dude from road trip..i remmemebr at one point he wuz popular and had a few of his own movies..then he just died off and now hes resorting to no name commercials...it must suck for him
dont do it to urself man i feel u and theres nothing to say about that...The most is part of the ill family and we gotta do what we do to brothers that act up...lock them in the closet till he gets his mind right cuz hes talking nonsense
wow if ur actually serious about that than u lost alot of points..its got nuttin to do wit record sells cuz gnarles barkley sold alot of records and there good..but dipset better than jedi mind tricks??...well ima argue for the old jedi mind tricks..Paz back than wuz actually clever wit what he...