@ 2good do u have reason6.5 cuz that ssL mixer is nice as hell!!
and the new ozone helps alot!
u can get some good sound from the ssL mixer
med it still sick luv the beats im using reason6 what reason are u using?
would luv to see the template format u use for it shit sounds good!
always intrusted on how to use reason in different ways!! sick work bro!
@ thed i have the electronic bass refill which i luv ive also gotten a piano refill as well
but i havent purchase any others for a while since there is so many new racks and plus the new RE'S in reason6
plus i was also getting lots of free refill from a site called...
well one of ya show me a mac labtop thats cheaper and better then mines and war i can run reason 6 smoothly with all my RE'S please i would luv to upgrade my set up i need something that affordable but yet run smooth!! thanx ya cuz evertime i look at...
damm sorry for ya lost been there before but not because of my pc cuz of my hard drive!
the pet cat playing with my wires and nock my hard drive over and bammm everything gone
its no fun loosing material
as for the mac they are just so damm pricey ive...
@junxi nice idea layer them drumz so they don't sound so thin or parallel compression
@ 2good sick bro!! luv the structure too! wooo!!! luv that guitar that comes in or what ever sound that is
@ fade sick work bro some real hiphop there!! i was wondering...