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  1. Ghostnote

    Speakers and Headphones

    Thx for the tipp, definitely going try it out. I also living in a apartment so headphones are gonna be my best friends.
  2. Ghostnote

    Speakers and Headphones

    yeah, i usually play them on my beats headphones and after that on my laptop speakers. My main problem here is when i play my beats on these devices the kick and basses just dont sound right no matter how much i tweak it.
  3. Ghostnote

    Speakers and Headphones

    Hey guys:) I just got into beatmaking and currently using the philips spa7380 2.1 speakers and Logitech g430 headphones for mixing(links below). Would you recommend buying studio monitors and better headphones or are these gears enough for a beginner like me ? thx for helping