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  1. Ominous

    Hey Guess What?

    I thought WHY? And then I realized it was the 13th...
  2. Ominous


    Everything Oops. Double post. Basically, I know people who have seen this movie and had a "meh" reaction but then they will see some shit like Black Dynomite and swear that's the best shit they have ever seen. Which is funny to me because if you were a REAL movie snob, you would know that...
  3. Ominous


    I know man. I was all over the imdb boards trying to find stuff and then someone over there posted that article and I was blown away because I didn't catch any of that. I guess my mind isn't complicated enough to see all of that. With that said, I think its funny when I see people shit on that...
  4. Ominous


    When I read that article, it opened my eyes up to a lot of things that I didn't even see when I watched that movie. It helped me really appreciate the whole thing in a different way. I mean, there is the awesome polish of the action and effects but then to see that there is a bigger more meaning...
  5. Ominous

    Inception This is one of the dopest write ups I saw about the movie.
  6. Ominous

    Reason 4 Hotkeys Cheat Sheet

    Nice. Thanks for whipping this up.
  7. Ominous

    i just discovered the next internet star.

    When someone dumb says you're dumb... you are dumb.
  8. Ominous

    LeBron to the Heat!

    I agree that Lebron shut down. It was obvious. They highlighted it on ESPN. They showed him literally hanging out around half court and watching his team run plays without him. A hall of fame player close to the organization has confirmed the rumors of his Mom sleeping with players. If that is...
  9. Ominous

    LeBron to the Heat!

    ^^^ I said the same thing. I think it's just that he is that good. Just like when kobe scored 61 in NY. Then Lebron scored a triple double that was taken away from him by the league and he scored 50. That dude is a beast. Who else has had a triple double where they scored 50 points? Wade was...
  10. Ominous

    What the heck is up with dac?

    Sorry to hear that.
  11. Ominous

    LeBron to the Heat!

    My Opinion Basically I think it was a good thing for him...
  12. Ominous

    What Should I Cop...Pro Tools or Logic?

    I would say Logic. Does ProTools come with synths and drum sequencers?
  13. Ominous


    A lot of people, critics, are hating on the movie. Everyone I know personally who watched it were blown away. But when you break down what you think a movie should be, people are saying it sucks. Best way I can put it is, remember when Grindin' by the Clipse came out? If you broke down that...
  14. Ominous


    It was pretty dope to me man. I would even go as far as to say it was my fav movie of all time. But that isn't to hype it up. It's just that I like movies that put something in your face and you can't identify it. Almost like magic. The trick is usually basic but the trick fools you. That is...
  15. Ominous


    Did anybody here peep that movie yet? I checked it. Shit was crazy. Mental exercise for sure.
  16. Ominous

    Killer Bean Forever

    Thanks for posting this. i was a huge Killer Bean fan.
  17. Ominous

    The Music Industry's Funny Money

    Don't laugh too hard. Turns out this cat might be Autistic. My bad...
  18. Ominous

    The Music Industry's Funny Money

    50 Tyson DIY! This cat has no middle man.
  19. Ominous

    Best video everr!

    Geeeeeeeeeeeeezus man. When Waka came out! WOW! Comedy.
  20. Ominous

    Doing Copyright Search For Samples

    Maybe look into these guys: