I just asked around at work to the higher ups,,,,it's real, but we won't see nuttin for awhile,,,2008 is early. It's still creepy tho. Shit, if the governemnt wants my DNA, I'll go jack off on a Senator or sumthin,,,1
word. I uninstalled the driver for the video card and re-installed,,,didnt work. I'm still working on it,,,Imma call HP and tell them there sjit is fuckin up. They're pretty good with Customer Service....Thanks anyways MC!
I dont think Fade would mind,,,Afrique would be the proper contact I believe. Fade wont be around till tomorrow night, so send himm a PM. I'm definitly down wit that.
sounds about right,,,I'm high as fuck right now,,,,either way,,,what the fuck is that? Is it there to keep my settings or something? Holla back you freakin hocky head!
From what i heard and from just plain common sense(not being an ass to you,,lol) I say no. If anyone really did kill someone and wrote a song about it, that can count as evidence in some states. I highly doubt that anyone rappin really killed somebody, ya never know, then again, it's all a show...
LOL, ya killin' me. Naw man, even wit "OZ",,,there was man-ass and sausage flyin around all over the place! Still a good show. I'm no Homo-Phobe, I have gay friends(Clev, Fury, Buku...etc)LOL