yeah i was surprised... i saw '50mins' i was like, 'nope'. Thought i'd try catch a glimpse.
I watched it in parts, but quite surprised how I was able to get through serious amounts of minutes without 'feeling' it (the time).
Eminem killed Canibus with the best diss-track ever made.
If you understand each of the references, you'll understand just why this is so great.
It's also catchy :LOL:
@Fade has a habit of putting me up against good quality in Warzone/Battle That. :woot:
But it's fine 'cause i don't want easy Ws.
The only time I'll accept something being an easy W is when it's just because my beats are that good.
I also don't wanna face Byes. I wanna earn it.
Yeah, but I mean something dn't match up right with me and warzone. BF/BIU/AOTB/Beat This all good I guess.
Which I also find odd as Warzone is essentially just back2back Beat Fights.