glad you learned here,,,that's what I'm sayin,,,this place is a great learning experience. Welcome to the community. And Fade is the owner, he likes donations so he can buy sex from Canadian women wit hairy lips....
yeah, i noticed that too. No, this was a unjustified assault on the Freedom of Speech. It's a LAW in our country. What makes it worse was that Kerry wanted to let him continue, but he was arrested and detained,,,then Tazed. This is where our country and worl id heading, but like 2 said, nobody...
Before we know it, "Numb-Nuts" will be leaving the White House and hopefully going into court for War Crimes. (Even though earlier this week he passed a bill that will absolve him from any War Crime after he leaves office. Really) Anyways, it looks like there's not much to choose from on either...
Yo, I gott a get some ish off my chest. Check it, I'm not directing this post at any member in particular, let's just put that out there first. Thing is, I don't think we realize just how good we have it. This site and community is a treasure trove of knowledge. We have it good. There's no...