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  1. Pug

    anybody hear NY Giant QB Eli Manning dead?

    I don't think it's true, just a rumor spread on the web.
  2. Pug

    The new ILL...

    The new look is sick, really feeling it. Clean, slick, and intuitive. Well done sir, I'll by you a trio at BP next time you're down.
  3. Pug

    Nice Moves

    Damn, dude is smooth, makes those moves look easy... but if you tried it yourself, you'd probably fall on your ass. Haha
  4. Pug

    R.I.P. IG Off

    For those who haven't heard of him:
  5. Pug

    Vent/Rant thread

    So I thought I'd create a new thread so people can vent. I'll start... So today I was at the Value Village, a local thrift shop in Canada. I was locking up my bike outside the store when some 30 year old Frenchman asks me "Avez vous de change?", basically asking me for money, when in fact he...
  6. Pug

    Canibus chokes in K.O.T.D. battle vs Dizaster & breaks his damn notebook out.

    I suspect that Canibus will be the main suspect in the next zombie style assault.
  7. Pug

    Is Rap Music Dead?

    A simple answer will be 'no'. Plenty of good hip-hop out there.
  8. Pug

    Lil Kim's face!!!!

    Lil Kim's face, where celebrities go to die.
  9. Pug

    Moar Zombies

    Well, if the zombie apocalypse is anything like 'the walking dead', then we can sit around a campfire and sing songs while we whine about our relationships and whether or not we can give our kids guns.
  10. Pug

    Show & AG - South Bronx Shit - Instrumental

    Pretty rugged track, love the horns!
  11. Pug

    To all illiens: what's the most recent vinyl record you bought?

    Some nice finds so far in this thread. Yesterday I picked up R.A the Rugged Man - 50,000 heads / Smithhaven Mall Excellent!
  12. Pug

    To all illiens: what's the most recent vinyl record you bought?
  13. Pug

    Showcase - May 31 - June 02, 2012

    Post your beats! And please provide feedback. *Remember: Give feedback, then post your beat.
  14. Pug

    Production In The Lab: Are You Afraid To Sample?

    Dope article and some good points made. If you're a popular artist these days, either you clear the shit, or you really be creative or use a really obscure source. Biz's career was basically destroyed after what happened to him. Sampling and the ethics behind it are just a messy web, and it's...
  15. Pug

    Well Guys I Lost It All!

    Dac man, that is truly awful news. I am happy that you and your family are safe, that's the important thing. If there's anyway I can help, you let me know. Horrible news to start the week, sorry :(
  16. Pug

    Veterinarian Costs... UGH

    Ya, finding a cheap and qualified vet is like finding a needle in a stack of needles. I had an awful experience a few years back where the vet charged through the roof, and my cat died shortly after that (they couldn't find out what was wrong, go figure). So I now bring my pets to a vet near my...
  17. Pug


    Ya man, those are the worst, such a waste of time. Happens to me I'd say about 70% of the time. I blame the internet.
  18. Pug


    So I put an ad up today offering something for free, and within less than 20 seconds I get a response from someone: "i take" You know, all the history books are wrong, cavemen do exist, albeit on Kijiji... and that's just one of many messages. Anyways, I'm sure some of you guys have...
  19. Pug

    Video I produced for the Orlando Magic

    Awesome dude! Congrats, big moves from Ill!