Surprised no one's mentioned the holy grail of mastering daws yet..
Sequoia -
Used it in school for a class, great program. Basically strictly for mastering and writing discs..
Congrats Q!! everything you dropped was ill, much deserved my dude. super impressive with not being able to edit shit either and all, happy birthday too mayne! legally drunk on somethin lol
Dac - honestly you surprised me with every joint, definitely stepped ya game up majorly in the past year...
oooohh! This finna be down to the wire!!
Dac - dope bassline & cuts! coulda used some more instruments early on to keep my interest tho.
CJ - both parts were ill, agree with Oz tho the second part was butter! the vocal clips were icing on the cake..
Appreciate the feedback y'all!
Gene, joint was ridiculously ill, I knew I shoulda came harder than that lol. Good shit homie, I'll send some more newness your way real soon.
Yeah this is almost too close too call, both are naastyyy.
I tried to flip that same sample Thomba, didn't really work out for me lol. Love the way you flipped it.
CJ- the way it builds up is doppee! very nice composition.
No guidelines, a good sample is a good sample and if I don't flip it someone else will. When buying vinyl, I'll look for whatever catches my eye mainly in the late 60s through 80s, but when I dig online no mp3 is safe lol
I feel ya, I guess I really can't say cause I haven't heard that album yet. That is pretty fucked up to do exactly the same style, but I mean if thats what the Soulquarians were looking for then I guess who is to blame Jazz and crew for earning a pay check and producing what the artist was...
Woorrrd I completely feel you on how you feel he evolved his style in his later days, really dope idea for a tape. Downloading..
As far as Jazzy Jeff and camp jacking Dillas style, I feel ya, but I mean it didn't make his career or his label's (ATOJ). Its not like Jeff and his team wouldn't be...