I sure will, my screen crashed on me some im using my girls laptop loaded reason onto it. Btw guys, I had a bunch of refills on cd and still do however her laptop doesnt take cv/dvd.
Does anyone have any refills to slide my way?
Im not sure which sound I want to emulate. not much into EDM but I do want to branch out so im curious to see what people are doing to get me started on the right foot. I understand that EDM is so wide and so many sub division of the music!
Any hooks up on reason 7 or the newest Ableton?
With ableton I can record vocals right with it and mix the whole thing, I cant wit this version of reason I have.
I have been going to a studio where the guy uses Ableton. Seems cool to make beats with and mix at the same time. I have been using reason for years and I find the samples sound thin.
So I have reason 5 ( not original) Whats my next best move getting the 6 or 7 and do either of those require a key usb.
I dont want to sound like a broke ass and I do understand some people have paid for it but I mean everyone situations in life is different and I just want to make music!