I'm not sure if this is a solution as such, but it could definately help - use a sampled drum hit that was played with bushes or just from jazz music - the snares alwmost always have a crisp snap to them with virtually no decay. This is perfect for crisp sounding snares, although you have to layer it quite carefully and subtlely with other sounds [which I assume you would intend to anyway] if you don't want to keep a jazz tinged-feel to the track [I fucking love jazz music so I like to let this through a little more, but obviously it doesn't suit every type of beat]. Snares played with prushes, also very prevelant in jazz music, have the smae crisp sound but the sound is usually very weak so won't add any punch to the sound if thats what you're looking for, it will simpy add a little more texture.
I'm not out for the props man, Just telling people what I do myself..aight.