The feds wont enforce it because the whole country is founded on slavery or str8 up exploitation of its immigrants. That means free to REEAAL cheap labor.
Africans, Chinese, Irish, Italians, Latins
In a way I can see exactly where Arizona is coming from , honestly something needs to be done (no I dont hate south americans have quite a few friends and co workers), we arent just talking about a few folks coming in to work for the mean ol gringo, we are talking about a shitload of crime coming with it.(no not all illegals are criminals), additionally it can be a strain on local reasources including schools and hospitals.(which is why the census is important to do even if you are illeagal)
I heard, dont know if this is true because its real hard to believe, but Pheonix is now the kidnapping capital of the world..WORLD.. they average 2 a day or so now.
Kidnapping, at least what NPR has told me over the years , is just a part of life south of the border where it is used by gangs for money and influence over innocent people there.
Additionally about 2 years ago I think it was , a police dept on the border in Texas had a shoot out with a cartel that was using humvees (military grade) and machine guns, for a while they werent sure if the mexican military was invading.
This brings me to the point that the Mexican governemt will tell you quickly, these are no longer cartels with AK's and shit , they are fighting actual ARMIES, armies that are WELL equipped and well trained .
They know how to manuver, they know how to use tactics, this aint Tony Montanna and his little friend , this is for real deal military vs military and if the US were smart it would start preparing to counter that possibly using military.
Additionally getting into a South American country I am assuming is alot easier than flying into the US directly , so there is the added Al-Queada threat due to porus borders.
Also I would like to point out that "Illegal" means just that against the law, if I am caught with an illegal substance chances are Im going to jail for quite a while not just ignored or slapped on the wrist and put some miles away from where I was caught with said substance.
We need to enforce our laws , and we need to seal up that border or I promise you every state and every culture ,race, creed here will wish to God that we had.
That being said they shouldnt racially profile obviously, but they will.
I also know that most of my concerns above dont have much to do with the new law itself but I use them to illustrate the actual growing problems, not that it is all racially motivated.
The gaping hole I see in the logic even of Arizona's solution is "What do you do with illegals when you find them?" Deport them????? For what , they come right back , even as far away as here in NC they come RIGHT back.
If your not stopping it at the border in the first place then shipping people back is irrelevant.
Immigration and especially illeagal immigration is a serious problem in more countries than the US. In France I think its the North Africans, in England its the Polish I believe, funny in a non haha way (meaning irony) that these countries set themselves up to be a beacon of freedom to attract people to it then dont know how to deal with the influx when the call is heard.
The other irony is that these people are actually just spansih speaking natives of the land sorta moving right back in.