tempo mapping and or swing effect question

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ill o.g.
i have a track im working on that i want to try something different on it. im using nuendo 3.2.
the overall original tempo is 83.8 and what i was wanting to do is add a swing type effect to only parts of the measure. like for instance on the 1, 83.8 then slope down drastically to lets say ?-78.8-? then right back up to 83.8 on the 2
i tried using the tempo track in nuendo (crtl-T) but that only affects the tempo timing and doesnt stretch the track at all.
any suggestion???
thanks fam


ill o.g.
no replys !?! damn i was wishing someone would be like "oh" thats easy just do this.
that figures


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 11
Ya I don't use nuendo either, but I've never really heard of that, especially for such short time amounts. There's probably an easier way to get the sound you're looking for.



Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
I would say turn off the click and just play it live like a tape multitrack. After you do your take, you can take the overall BPM of the loop to line everything up...
You could also insert tempo changes before each beat, so 1.1.1 is at 88, 1.2.1 is at 93, etc...


ill o.g.
well, i can pencil in tempo changes. it changes the tempo, but doesnt affect the track itself. i got this specific track from one of my bands that makes me beats. i have been using it live already the way it is. i just wanted to freak it a little more to see if i liked it that way. so beating it out by hand is out of my hands, lol. i have read somewhere before about copy and pasting tempo changes and i see where i could do that if my equipment was running mtc with my sequencing program. BUt, what if you have a track already "say done but not done" "maybe already bounced down" what can i do to freak this track a bit. i am looking for a subtle change nothing to drastic.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
The answer: ABLETON LIVE.....I'm sure you can do it in other DAWS as well but Ableton has the clip view which allows u to change tempo on individual parts at any length. Then you can use the clips to lay out the song as u see fit. U could have that one sample in 10 diff't clips (or more) with each one alternating diff't tempos. I don't know if any other DAW makes doing so as easy as Ableton and I've dealt with serveral of them except Logic.
Reason has a groove mixer, thats what I use to alter swing.
The process LDB describes can also be achieved with acid pro, but I havent used grooves on acid.
Tempo changes will not get the effect you are looking for. Not easily anyway.
Failing that, there is always tapping the beat out by hand and not quantizing it. But that can be tricky too, especially if your rythm isnt very good, or if the tempo of the track isnt constant and the tapped out loop doesnt sit right throughout the track.
Swing/Groove is an essential ingredient in all my tracks. An easy way to adjust it is also essential.

Just did a quick google....
Looks like you need this expensive plugin just to add grooves.


ill o.g.
i think ldb is hitting the nail on the head. i can already program tempo changes in (nuendo)and that would be fine if i was was running instruments via midi. but this is loop work.
in order for me to use ableton im gonna have to get more ram. i have used acid and nuendo (even with mutiple vst's running with no problem). but for some reason ableton will freak my computer out. has ableton done anything like that to your computers? i do need to quit bullshittin and upgrade my memory, and also need to update my audio card someday. im still kinda waiting for a return on all this money i spent on equipment.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Hmm...In Logic you can use the global beatmap track to organize tempo changes according to audio material that changes, but if you want to change the actual audios tempo in particular areas, you would have to change the tempo in that spot and then time stretch that portion of the audio.
You should be able to do the same thing in Nuendo i bet.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
I don't think there's anything out there that allows u to do it like ABlive. IMO that clip view is what really puts it in it's on class. Not saying that it makes it better...just very diff't than any other DAW I've used. Like I said, he could have several copies of the same loop in clip view all doing diff't shit at diff't tempos, filtered diff'tly processed diff'tly etc etc etc. U can really get intricately creative......

P.S I only have issues with AB on my computers when I over do the plugins. But I've learned to not have several instances of the same thing up at one time. i.e use one instance of say minimonsta and record the diff't instruments into diff't clips with that one vsti, don't have 5 instances of minimonsta up with diff't instruments up just going. In other words "render" what you're doing to a new track, dial up another instrument that u may want to layer on top of that and do the same.

1G of memory and knowing the little things can get u far with AB...I do have my memory fully blown out to 4G on laptop and 7G on desk top. Doesn't matter though because XP only will let u use a little over 3G with 32bit and 64 bit sux.


ill o.g.
1G of memory and knowing the little things can get u far with AB...I do have my memory fully blown out to 4G on laptop and 7G on desk top. Doesn't matter though because XP only will let u use a little over 3G with 32bit and 64 bit sux.

jeez 7g im jealous!!!! didnt know about the limits with xp imma have to research that. i know my motherboard and processor are suppose to handle 4g.
thanks ldb


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
jeez 7g im jealous!!!! didnt know about the limits with xp imma have to research that. i know my motherboard and processor are suppose to handle 4g.
thanks ldb

I have my pc set up to dual boot. It came with Vista 64 on it which gives me the entire 7G....I think Windows XP 64 bit would give me the entire 7G as well but there's not too much out there compatible with 64 bit so it's not worth the trouble. XP 32 bit limits your memory....why...I have no clue....DreamPolice could tell you.


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
32 bit processes have that limit, whether pc or mac. how an o/s can bypass that limit to utilize at least most of the 4gb varies even in o/s.

same principle with 32 bit apps, which most music software and sequencers are still in, they only access a portion of the available mem that 32 bit allows.

with pc's you should make your virtual memory at least 1.5 x, no more than double, the amount of real mem you have


ill o.g.
I have my pc set up to dual boot. It came with Vista 64 on it which gives me the entire 7G....I think Windows XP 64 bit would give me the entire 7G as well but there's not too much out there compatible with 64 bit so it's not worth the trouble. XP 32 bit limits your memory....why...I have no clue....DreamPolice could tell you.

mine is a 64 bit that used to have vista on it. but i took that crap off and installed xp.
AMD athlon X2 does this mean its a dual processor? i dont remember looking and really cant get to it now. and if i did look would i be able to tell if its a dual processor?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Yep.....reads like u have dual processors. U may have more memory as well...especially with it originally being a 64 bit machine. Go to start then control panel and click the system icon. Under the general tab you should see toward the bottom where it says Computer: processor type(i.e AMD PHENOM9150e, amount of processors (dual or quad), how many hertz each processor is (i.e 1.8Ghz), and the amount of Ram available (i.e 1GB,2GB,3GB etc)