I had an SP12 that was my first real sampler and SP1200....both sold to old members on here at some point,,,,,my man drumatic in Philly and a kid named knowts out in Cali....both VERY dope producers...they arent here anymore...but another sp1200 user was fatsdowrong....main thing about the machine is how you either do your mixing etc.....you need to have a good grip on the engineering to make it sound REALLY good...but some call the box the cornerstone of hip hop....my power supply went out once and it cost me a lot.....there are two versions one is a sort of greyish color I cant explain.....and then a newer one that is black...they fixed the issues with the power supply in the newer version..it uses integrated circuts for the supply not a built into the board supply.....anyhow if you are a collector or just want to add to your production I would look at getting one.......but if you just want to make beats on there its cool but most people I know will usually get an mpc eventually and not use the sp as much.....