Sucio - skitzo sounds a bit Kool G Rap in places, in terms of his vocal tone. cool vibe on this track, I like it, develops nicely. The kick has a nice thump, but not much pop - dunno if this is more of a mix/preference. If the beat had a bit more sheen/less muddiness, I think it'd sound real dope.
RC - (first beat)I think the last part of the vocal chop hits a bit too early, I dunno, sounds nice, all sounds a bit dull though, maybe could be crisped up a bit. Nice though, generally nice balance too.
LP - love the way the bass 'growls' at points. Nice-ish balance, I like the vocal sample, sounds nice frequency wise. I feel some of the track pumps/fluctuates a bit though, like the levels kinda compress and at points sound reaaaal nice and squished together, at other points sound tooo squished, and then at some points when unsquished it throws the vocal forward, the level of the vocal is fine, but the fluctuation makes it feel a bit 'inconsistent', to me anyway. I like it though, love it. Nice stuff. Just being critical to whatever point I can be in hopes it may help.