ayo the following is a list of SOME of the things you will learn when doing an SAE course in audio engineering (in alphabetical order).
accounting & tax, acoustics, adat, advertising, audio psychology, automation, broadcast, cables and connectors, cd / dvd / sacd, compressors & gates, computers, consoles, patchbays, contracts, copyright, dat, dB, minidisc, digital multitracks, digital standards, digital theory, ear, elc's, fx, electronics, eq, film sound, internet & multimedia, live sound, management, manufacture, meters and operating levels, microphones, midi, mixing theory, music theory, noise reduction, producer & engineer roles, production techniques, phychoacoustics, radio mic, reverb, recording, session proceedure, signal flow, speakers, specifications, stereo / instrument mic techniques, surround sound, tape and tape machines, theatre sound, theory of sound, time code, vynil, pro tools.
hope that helps.