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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 141
man i've been messing with reason for a while!! even when it first came out! and im always learning something new on it!!
well i just realized something the other day!!
i was listening to some beats i have made in reason4 and reason 3!
and i notice i had to keep turning the volume down or up and even some of them were distorted!
so i just wanted to remind all reason user to keep an eye on the clip box down on the left hand corner if its in red then something gotta be turned down!!
after all this time i never really paid attention to that box!!
i've notice to know i don't have an element distorted! a drum , snare, or a ,base, ect!!
because im paying attention to that!! so keep an eye on it u don't want to be in the red alt all!! u can notice it when the beat called truth comes on!
stayup n holla@ya boy!


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Have an issue?

Here is a method to minimize clipping on your songs.

At the top of the Instrument Rack selected your Audio Output device. Then create a Mclass Maximizer (doesnt sound like that would make sense right?)

Then press the Soft Clip button and watch the Clip light disapear.




ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Word. Try to bypass the maximizer though and monitor your signals the same way to make sure to not clip without it on and then once your mix is complete - turn it back on. That way your gain structure will be a lot more even.

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
Actually a lot of times when reason says you're clipping you're actually not clipping. .

There are plenty of times my mix will clip in Reason but once i export over in Pt or even Dp its not clipping.

Run a Freelance Db meter while running reason and you'll notice the same thing.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Yeah I believe Reason gives you -3dB to -6dB of gain reduction on the stereo buss when bouncing. Its still good practice to not monitor with the maximizer on until your finished with your mix though.

Wuts good NN??....Been a minute!