Pro Tools Problems

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I have had pro tools LE with the Digi001 for a while, and it works fine recording beats i have made on my keyboard. But when i want to make a beat with a sample i have recorded , i have no idea how to get it to match the tempo of the drums, or if i want a sampled drum loop with some other beats, how can i match the tempo? Someone please help me out, im hella stuck.:headbang:


ill o.g.
what youll want to do is record your drum track, assuming you already have drums done up with a different program or whatever.

then at the top left you can select "slip," "grid," "shuffle" and that kinda thing. youll want to sellect "grid."

after the grid is set youll want to set the tempo of your pro tools session to match the tempo of your drums (click the dot to the left of the word "tempo" at the top left of the screen.

ok this youll want to do in slip mode not grid mode... trim the drum loop at the begining of the loop, as close as you can get to the first kick of the loop. zoom in nice and close for this.

then throw your grid back on and all the trimming you do should snap to the grid. so move the drums to the "0" time mark. the very beginging, the far left. then use the "bracket tool" to trim your drums down to one bar or two bars depending on how often your drums loop.

this should leave you with an exact one bar (or whatever) loop. if you hit ctrl-d this will duplicate your drum loop and remain intact to the tempo grid you have set up.

you then can chop your sample in slip mode on another track and flip back to grid mode to place it. then if it needs fine adjustments pop back into slip mode and adjust.

ok i have no idea how much sense this made but if you have any questions just ask cause this is how i make all my beats.

and if you want to program your drums in pro tools - this is pretty easy - i can fill ya in on how to do that too


I know how to do all that, i will tell u exactly my problem and maybe u can figure it out from there. I have a track that is all put together with samples and everything, but i need drums on it. I have a perfect drum loop for it but the tempo is off by like 5BPM, if i could only stretch it or shorten it somehow to make it match without having to chop up each hi hat, kick, and snare. This also comes into play with another beat i have where i have a sample but it is way to slow and i want to speed it up, am i gonna have to get another program to make it faster and then import it to Pro Tools or what?


ill o.g.
OK i gotcha. I never really come accross this cause i usually make each drum loop up specificly for the beat. i know that under Audio Suite theres a plug-in called time compression expansion. ive used it to fuk with samples and such but never a whole drum loop. you can enter a the lenght that it is and then the length you want it to be, and it will convert automatically. you can enter it by bars beats or by seconds. i have a feeling that it wont work exactly as you want it but it might sound dope. i have a feeling you might get some funny doubble drum thing happening. but let me know how it works


Im over it, ill just try to see if i can do it some way else. Thanks anyways


IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

PT doesn't come with a time stretch algorithm?!?!? You've GOT to be kidding!!!!!!!!

Cool Edit, Sound Forge, Cubase, Sonar, Vegas, Acid, Wavelab, etc. have all come with stretch effects for about 5 years now...

I just can't believe that the Almighty Pro Tools LE doesn't come with something like this...have you tried looking in the manual for 'time stretching' or something like that?

There are other PTLE users on this forum, this must be something you come across...what do you do to apply a time stretch to a file?

Take care,



Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
I recommend getting a more advanced wave editor like Spark or Peak that can analyse tempo more accurately than LE. Exact beat matching occurs using a tempo analysis and stretch that is much more intuitive than LE, and more powerful.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
After you have figured out the tempo, try this ..... select the track .....(hopefully the sample starts on a down beat) press tab ..... what that will do is bring the cursor to the first beat in the wave .... then once that is done, press option /shift /tab/ ..... that will select the unused portion in the begining of the loop. once you have done that make sure its in shuffle mode and press delete ....that will start the loop on the one and now all you have to do is copy and duplicate.


Pro Tools

Unfortunatly Pro Tools LE does not have a realtime tempo stretch that would fix a loop at 90bpm to 100bpm...The only way to fix that would be plug-ins such as Speed or using beat detective for minor tempo changes, but thats only available on the real Pro Tools...Anyhow if your using alot a loops i would suggest you try Abelton Live...It allows you to insert loops of any tempo into a fixed tempo in real time...
