Some screenshots and information about 2.0. My German is rusty, so I won't bother to translate...
There are links to bigger screenshots at the bottom.
The improvements are too numerous to list here, if you go to the official Cubase forum you can flip through some of the posts and find out:
Some stuff I hope they addressed:
I would hope that they figured out an easier way to label and use MIDI devices, like you could with the older VST versions, I hate having to decide whether or not to use the real device or 'emulated' one.
Being able to quickly move the cursor around the screen using the +/- and shift key like in VST would be useful.
Being able to have all audio go directly into parts instead of manually having to convert them would be cool.
Better DSP Factory implementation.
'Thicker' timeline on top would be great, it takes too long having to carefully position the mouse on it before clicking to place the cursor, sometimes I accidentally click on the l/r locators and they jump.
Allowing the mixer windows to float outside the parent window, just like the transport bar can. It would make it easier to arrange everything on my two monitors without having to worry about single windows stretching across two screens.
Fix the 'feature' where MIDI gets thrown into new parts when you
record something new over an existing part. I want it to record into the SAME part, it becomes time consuming having to flatten parts or wondering where notes are coming from when you cannot seem them on the screen because they're underneath another part.
Allow users to link external wave editors instead of forcing people to use the integrated one. It's a lot better than their previous attempts, but still not as good as Cool Edit or Sound Forge.
I also hope that they update 5.0 and fix the problem with sysex monitoring, there was a rumor that there would be one last update. If it got updated, I would seriously consider going back to it.