That's why you want more than 8 inputs on your daw and the mpc clocked. Than it's hitting the rekkid button on you daw and it starts trackin them outs.
With resampled you mean each individual sound recorded to a seperate track, so no grouping ? I mean, this is hitting the limit on the mpc's purpose. It has enough I/O to assign all drums n percussion for a track, but if you're using the mpc as a daw than I'd suggest grouping kick to 1, snare to 2, hats on 3, percussion on 4, stereo synth on 5/6, monophonic synth on 7 and bass on 8. If you a mpc1k...well tuff luck, I'd stick to using it for drums purely or use it for phrase sampling in order to save outputs (you'd create a break and record it, load it back into the mpc, same for instrument scores except bass which remains mono).