Thank you a lot for this topic! I thank you because this is the opportunity for me to finally write what I have wanted to write for a long time. I had a few moments when I felt like this. But these moments can teach you a lot about yourself. Below I am going to share with you some of my personal thoughts and experience. You will also learn some things about my past.
Probably I said it before but I started my journey with music from guitar playing. My dream was to found a metal band that would play gigs all around the world. I have been playing the guitar for about eleven years now but seriously for about eight. It's because I started practicing my guitar playing seriously when I was fifteen. I played everyday for at least four hours a day. YES! FOUR hours. It was painstaking work because I had to learn scales and constantly improve my technique. My goal was to be someone nearly as good as Buckethead since he was my main inspiration.Honestly, I had never achieved such level of perfection. XDD When I was nineteen (so after about four years of such practicing) I reached very nice level of playing. And guess what? Suddenly, I felt drained. I felt like there is nothing more to learn. And what's more I was disappointed because I still couldn't create a band. I tried a few times but because of a bad attitude of potential members ( always being late on rehearsals, drinking alcohol during rehearsals, too low level of playing) I stayed in the same place. I had the whole album to record but nobody to work with. Of course now I see that there were a lot ways to solve this problem but at that time I wasn't so entrepreneurial as I am now.
Besides such practicing had its impact on my mental health. I was always alone, I got a little bit weird, I did not like contact with people and so on and so forth. Sometimes excess is a very bad thing and it's important to know that we all have only one life and there are also other things than music to care about.
And then my journey with so called "music production" began. At first I thought it was going to be very easy thing to make rap beats. But I was mistaken. I had to learn a lot of things and listen to a lot of things I hadn't listened to before. Rap taught me a lot of things. Mainly, that most of the time less is more which stands in contradiction to my previous beliefs as I was very focused on perfect technique and complicated arpeggios. Now I see that failure with metalband was a great lesson for me because now I can clearly see that I wasn't ready for success at that time. It would have ended very badly for me if I had become a popular at the age of nineteen. After three years of making beats I can say that I would really want to work in a studio but last year I rediscovered a new love which is singing. And there is a very funny thing with singing. I never wanted to sing but everybody who listens to me singing tells me that I should go for it because I'm good at it. And I'm not talking about friends etc. Such opinions come from people who really know a lot of things about singing and music industry. So this is really funny that I always wanted to make music (I mean making beats and instrumentals) and now everybody tells me that I should sing. XDDDD This is ridiculous.
My personal opinion on this matter is simple. For me music, it doesn't matter if we're talking about making beats, singing, playing some instrument or whatever. It's a journey. And sometimes the road to the point you want to be in is very winding and full of dead ends. I think it's a good thing to try something new as
@Bugsy said because you can either implement it into your production or discover something that will become your new passion or something that you may be better at.
A friend of mine told me very nice story recently. His friend played drums for quite a long time. He played in some bands and he was quite good at playing drums. He liked it. But about two years ago he started lifting weights and guess what? Now if I'm not mistaken his a champion of Poland in powerlifting and he said that he would have never thought he would be good at such thing and that it would be so much fun for him to do. You never know what's gonna happen. It's all a journey. I'm sorry for my long post but I just felt a need to write these things for a long time. I'm also sorry for my pseudophilosophical reflections but as I mentioned above I just wanted to do it.