Drum - masta
Hey fellow producers.
My Name is Drum - ma$ta火事 . I am a Rapper and Producer from Germany, Hannover.
I am on my way to grow my audience and also to improve my artistry.
My goal is to be able to live off of music by any means necessary, so i can quit my job and just do music all day.
For that I am posting here, to increase my reach, but also to see what fellow producers are up to.
I am always on the lookout for people to work with. So if you are interested to make a beat or track with me just hit me up.
I will link my best produced track of mine and my youtube and instagram down below. Feel free to message me and I would be thankful, If you give me a listen.
Have a nice day fellas.
My Name is Drum - ma$ta火事 . I am a Rapper and Producer from Germany, Hannover.
I am on my way to grow my audience and also to improve my artistry.
My goal is to be able to live off of music by any means necessary, so i can quit my job and just do music all day.
For that I am posting here, to increase my reach, but also to see what fellow producers are up to.
I am always on the lookout for people to work with. So if you are interested to make a beat or track with me just hit me up.
I will link my best produced track of mine and my youtube and instagram down below. Feel free to message me and I would be thankful, If you give me a listen.
Have a nice day fellas.
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